BH/BH Merger Source group

Source Analysis Facilitators: Bernd Bruegmann and Luis Lehner
Data Analysis Facilitator: Patrick Brady

Target problem: Plunge from the isco and final merger.
Source analysis is currently pursued by numerical relativity techniques. Data analysis
is currently pursued via various time-frequency techniques.

Links to members, specific topics (notes and references)

  1. Group Members
  2. Topics : Boundary Conditions
  3. Topics : Initial data
  4. Topics : Gauge/coordinate conditions
  5. Topics : Simulations
  6. Topics : Approximation Methods
  7. Topics : Data analysis: Matched filtering & templates
  8. Topics : Data analysis: Beyond/around matched filtering

Some frequently asked questions...

Synopsis of relevant activities...

Here we include bi-monthly ``brief-reports''. The idea here is to have a brief communication of recent significant results. Links to relevant, more descriptive information in the group's web pages will be provided for further details