0 00:00:02,399 --> 00:00:06,540 Jorge Pullin: Our speaker today is for the person who's going to speak about Gregory progress and relational quantum 1 00:00:06,540 --> 00:00:07,080 Dynamics. 2 00:00:08,940 --> 00:00:15,599 Philipp Hoehn: Yeah, thank you very much and also thanks to those worth invited me to give this talk. Yeah. So my aim here is 3 00:00:16,710 --> 00:00:27,630 Philipp Hoehn: To give an overview over progress in the field of relation quantum dynamics in recent years and this talk is based on various works with various collaborators. 4 00:00:29,340 --> 00:00:39,240 Philipp Hoehn: As far as questions or concerns, please feel free to interrupt for any clarifying questions if there's anything larger to discuss me. Let's try to keep that whether the discussion. 5 00:00:40,710 --> 00:00:42,900 Philipp Hoehn: Um, yeah, so 6 00:00:45,060 --> 00:00:57,060 Philipp Hoehn: Some of the slides, don't move on. No. Okay. Yeah, so the starting point for this whole talk as as ever. So often the problem of time which in its most basic form. 7 00:00:57,570 --> 00:01:03,240 Philipp Hoehn: Many of you know of course is rooted in the fact that the Hamiltonian of January covariance serious 8 00:01:03,990 --> 00:01:13,020 Philipp Hoehn: Constraint or the inner combination of constraints and that leads to states or theory in the quantum case that is often called timeless. 9 00:01:13,650 --> 00:01:20,190 Philipp Hoehn: But this is really quite a misnomer us why it is true that is background timeless, because after all, we're 10 00:01:20,520 --> 00:01:26,790 Philipp Hoehn: Quantization space time and the space time isn't really evolving with respect to any external reference 11 00:01:27,120 --> 00:01:43,770 Philipp Hoehn: It is by no means internally timeless and that is, of course, I'm really at the heart of the relational approach to finding quantum dynamics, namely to the idea in to extract the notion of dynamics from within the dynamic of degrees of freedom encoded in that physical state. And of course, 12 00:01:45,780 --> 00:01:47,400 Philipp Hoehn: Exist many different approaches. 13 00:01:48,600 --> 00:01:50,610 Philipp Hoehn: To implement this and 14 00:01:52,560 --> 00:01:56,640 Philipp Hoehn: If one tries to adopt that point of view one still will face a whole host 15 00:01:57,810 --> 00:02:11,730 Philipp Hoehn: Of other sub problems which are actually nicely reviewed by chemical corrosion press item in a seminar reviews and not going to mention all these problems that one is facing. I will just mention a few of them that I will touch upon in this talk. 16 00:02:13,260 --> 00:02:21,900 Philipp Hoehn: So every off the topics that I mentioned here in the slide, I will review in the coming slides bit more carefully so that we're all on the same page. 17 00:02:22,440 --> 00:02:27,180 Philipp Hoehn: And then I will tell you about what can be done about each of them are has been done in recent years. 18 00:02:27,750 --> 00:02:33,090 Philipp Hoehn: So one of the issues that is there, as already mentioned exists, many different ways in which one could try to implement 19 00:02:33,990 --> 00:02:43,440 Philipp Hoehn: A relational approach to the problem of time and, in particular, they exist three major canonical approaches such as relational server bolts. The privatisations 20 00:02:43,950 --> 00:02:51,750 Philipp Hoehn: And the page, whether it's conditional state formulation and one may as well of course ask what's the relation or which one is the right one. 21 00:02:52,950 --> 00:02:54,630 Philipp Hoehn: Then equal cash. 22 00:02:54,870 --> 00:03:02,970 Philipp Hoehn: Has lavish three series arguments against the viability of the page. What does formalism some challenges that have to be met. 23 00:03:03,870 --> 00:03:14,640 Philipp Hoehn: As another problem. That's one could summarize under the slogan that realistic clocks always or may run backwards probabilistic Lee, which might lead to some issues in 24 00:03:15,300 --> 00:03:26,760 Philipp Hoehn: The relation between evolving and clock degrees of freedom and there's the multiple choice problem that you don't have distinguish choice of an internal time and the global time problem that's 25 00:03:27,720 --> 00:03:43,200 Philipp Hoehn: You may be dealing with clocks that don't monotonic. We ran forward and there's of course many other problems. So yeah, I will tell you a review of these different topics here. Now the coming slides. And as I mentioned, and I will tell you what we found in recent years ago. 26 00:03:44,430 --> 00:03:49,410 Philipp Hoehn: So let me start with the three canonical approaches to three major economic approaches to the 27 00:03:50,070 --> 00:03:57,540 Philipp Hoehn: Termination quantum dynamics. The first one that's most of you of course quite familiar with relational records on both which was really started by Carlo. 28 00:03:58,110 --> 00:04:06,660 Philipp Hoehn: Well, when I was 30 years ago. And the basic idea being that you ask you pick some dynamic degree of freedom that you declared to be a time function that he asked for. 29 00:04:07,200 --> 00:04:18,720 Philipp Hoehn: The evolution of some other observer balls relative to that time function and these observable or encoding the question, really, what is the value of that function when the clock T reads tall. 30 00:04:19,530 --> 00:04:25,020 Philipp Hoehn: Now during our PhD thesis Bianca has given us beautiful policies expansion for such 31 00:04:25,920 --> 00:04:33,030 Philipp Hoehn: Relational goals which here. I'm only giving you for the case of a single constraints for most of the target will be focusing on the single constraints. 32 00:04:33,540 --> 00:04:40,350 Philipp Hoehn: And what they really encode us the gauge invariant evolution of some faith based function F relative to that cloth function. 33 00:04:41,070 --> 00:04:46,350 Philipp Hoehn: T and the way you can think about it, the pictorial as you have your constraints or force. 34 00:04:46,830 --> 00:04:54,810 Philipp Hoehn: With the gauge or bits in it. And these clock functions are they equal time surfaces defined by that redefining something like a gauge server. 35 00:04:55,140 --> 00:05:02,520 Philipp Hoehn: Gay surface that cuts the gauge orbits and then the gauge invariant evolution corresponds to basically scanning through your 36 00:05:03,420 --> 00:05:11,190 Philipp Hoehn: Through your constraints surface with equal time surfaces and then you always ask what the value of that function f is on that time surface. 37 00:05:11,970 --> 00:05:14,820 Philipp Hoehn: But now, of course, they are gauging variance or their commute. 38 00:05:15,240 --> 00:05:26,370 Philipp Hoehn: With the constraints. And so what you really can consider those objects to be as they are, what is often called a gauge invariant extension of a gauge fixed quantity gauge fixed because you 39 00:05:26,670 --> 00:05:33,000 Philipp Hoehn: You asked for the function f on the hyper surface equals constant, but then you extend that engagement during manner. 40 00:05:33,960 --> 00:05:44,250 Philipp Hoehn: And now what is the quantum dynamics on would like to do here is fun in some way of performing a direct monetization, or would like to promote these relational durables two operators. 41 00:05:46,800 --> 00:05:52,110 Philipp Hoehn: Okay, so now let's come to the second approach the penetrations 42 00:05:53,670 --> 00:05:58,860 Philipp Hoehn: So that's usually done in the sense of renewed faith based conversation and exits many different ways in which one could do that. 43 00:05:59,730 --> 00:06:07,560 Philipp Hoehn: So here we'll pick a specific way, namely the penetrating through cemetery reduction relative to a chosen clock particular 44 00:06:08,250 --> 00:06:17,550 Philipp Hoehn: surrogates fixing and because that will be useful later on. So what's the first step to do one performs a canonical transformation on the constraint surface. 45 00:06:18,450 --> 00:06:27,900 Philipp Hoehn: That splits the degrees of freedom into pure gauge and pure gauging varying degrees of freedom. So if you have some canonical variables like here on the left hand side and you can 46 00:06:28,230 --> 00:06:35,370 Philipp Hoehn: map them. Let's say to some clock function t. Let's say, for simplicity and only the first two and then we can find a 47 00:06:35,940 --> 00:06:43,860 Philipp Hoehn: canonical transformation in such a way that the momentum conjugate to that clock is actually proportional to the constraint. So that's the pure gauge and constraint part 48 00:06:44,340 --> 00:06:52,260 Philipp Hoehn: And then you can map these other canonical Teresa of freedom to the relational observable. It's a relative to that clock in at least locally that will work. 49 00:06:53,280 --> 00:07:01,290 Philipp Hoehn: So then basically what that gives us on the right hand side is just the repayment translation of the constraints surface then, as a second step, what we can do. 50 00:07:02,550 --> 00:07:05,100 Philipp Hoehn: Is again fixing. We can just 51 00:07:06,120 --> 00:07:09,900 Philipp Hoehn: Fix it to t equal some constant, for instance, equals zero. 52 00:07:10,620 --> 00:07:16,530 Philipp Hoehn: And what that does is that it really just removes the redundancy in the description of the gate and bad degrees of freedom. 53 00:07:16,770 --> 00:07:22,680 Philipp Hoehn: And we don't lose any dynamic information because we still have that evolution promise at Tom corresponding to the clock readings. 54 00:07:23,070 --> 00:07:31,500 Philipp Hoehn: And what it does is it really removes the reference degrees of freedom, eight o'clock degrees of freedom from among the dynamical variables. But again, no loss of information. 55 00:07:31,980 --> 00:07:42,390 Philipp Hoehn: And we end up with a gauge fixed reduced face space, which only has the remaining degrees of freedom on it. And those dynamics of those are still encoded in these 56 00:07:42,780 --> 00:07:51,150 Philipp Hoehn: Reduced relationships over bolts, which in fact satisfy some equations of motion generated by some true Hamiltonian on this real estate space. 57 00:07:51,720 --> 00:08:03,330 Philipp Hoehn: And this we can interpret then really as the dynamics seem are relative to the perspective of that clock. And then when kind of course, try not to contest that reduce face face to get some motivational company. 58 00:08:05,460 --> 00:08:17,730 Philipp Hoehn: Now the third approach is so called page. What does formalism. So it says follow. So these guys started straight away with a splitting of the constraint and two o'clock part and the system partner interaction. 59 00:08:18,300 --> 00:08:24,480 Philipp Hoehn: And then they defined some clock states and they behave as follows. With respect to that clock Hamiltonian. So they behave 60 00:08:25,050 --> 00:08:31,770 Philipp Hoehn: Monotonic Lee under that clock Hamiltonian and then they defined some conditional probabilities for some dynamical 61 00:08:32,280 --> 00:08:39,270 Philipp Hoehn: A variable of the system. And you asked her, What's the probability that some auto FS some given outcome get another four weeks talk 62 00:08:40,050 --> 00:08:45,990 Philipp Hoehn: And so you can you find that an extension of the bond rule using physical states in this manner here. 63 00:08:46,980 --> 00:08:58,020 Philipp Hoehn: And what is interesting in this case as you can define a conditional state of the system, given that the corporates tall and defined in this manner. So you conditional physical states on oxalate 64 00:08:58,560 --> 00:09:10,050 Philipp Hoehn: And that gives you a states and Hubert space on only the system degrees of freedom and it's not very difficult to convince oneself that that state actually satisfies the equation with respect to that system. 65 00:09:12,060 --> 00:09:13,950 Philipp Hoehn: Okay, so this is a review of the three 66 00:09:19,290 --> 00:09:28,290 Philipp Hoehn: Now let me summarize the three criticisms that could crash and actually raised against the page with this form of autism and they are actually as follows. 67 00:09:28,860 --> 00:09:35,130 Philipp Hoehn: So the first criticism was that could argue that these conditional probabilities are actually inconsistent with the constraints. 68 00:09:35,580 --> 00:09:45,120 Philipp Hoehn: And his reasoning was as follows. You have these kinematic operators that you throw into this in a product of physical states which don't come up with a constraint. So when you act with 69 00:09:45,360 --> 00:09:53,190 Philipp Hoehn: Those kind of magic operators on the physical Hubert's on the physical states it throws you out of the physical Herbert space and, as such, you're violating the constraints. 70 00:09:54,870 --> 00:09:57,900 Philipp Hoehn: Then building up on that argument cool cash. 71 00:09:59,490 --> 00:10:06,840 Philipp Hoehn: Wanted to show that this approach actually leads to completely inconsistent results and he then wanted to show that 72 00:10:08,160 --> 00:10:15,750 Philipp Hoehn: That it leads to the wrong transition probabilities for a non relativistic particle. So, when you ask, what's the probability that 73 00:10:16,590 --> 00:10:31,500 Philipp Hoehn: The project has positioned to prime time top prime, given that earlier was a cure time talk. And then he extended this condition probability in this manner here. So the first. What do you see other on the other sides are just the conditioning on the 74 00:10:32,610 --> 00:10:45,150 Philipp Hoehn: Initial conditioning. And then the final conditioning in the middle and then you can easily see that the result you get us just copy the wrong results here mainly no dynamics at all. And so he argued, it's copied on results. 75 00:10:46,200 --> 00:10:58,590 Philipp Hoehn: And then the third criticism that he raised was that when you actually apply this conditional probability to relativistic systems in the category systems condition on the makovsky time, then you get a completely incorrect. 76 00:10:59,790 --> 00:11:08,970 Philipp Hoehn: Localization probability, namely given by the shooting a type probability amplitude with respect to the solution to the client or any questions. 77 00:11:10,140 --> 00:11:22,680 Philipp Hoehn: So these were pretty serious criticisms against that approach and effectively that ended research on this approach, at least for a while was recently asked up again for a while there was a quietness. 78 00:11:25,500 --> 00:11:33,870 Philipp Hoehn: So the next problem or challenge that I that I just want to briefly review is one that actually applies to any of these approaches. 79 00:11:34,500 --> 00:11:42,930 Philipp Hoehn: To relational quantum dynamics. That's the so called multiple choice problem meds basically a problem as they exist. Many equivalent choices for relational clocks. 80 00:11:43,650 --> 00:11:52,080 Philipp Hoehn: It may indeed need to equivalent quantum dynamics. And then the question arises, which one would be the right one, or is there any way in which one could relate this different 81 00:11:52,830 --> 00:12:03,570 Philipp Hoehn: Kind of emotions and note that, of course, this problem does not arise, classically, because when you have to clock variables, the relations between them obviously fixed at least locally on a constraint surface. 82 00:12:04,860 --> 00:12:06,000 Philipp Hoehn: Now then. 83 00:12:06,750 --> 00:12:07,680 There is another 84 00:12:09,030 --> 00:12:12,660 Philipp Hoehn: Challenge that has been raised against relational notions of dynamics. 85 00:12:14,040 --> 00:12:20,580 Philipp Hoehn: And that is basically stated like this so perfect clocks for bounded Hamiltonian. The first one is an observation made by Polly 86 00:12:21,210 --> 00:12:31,350 Philipp Hoehn: In a footnote actually has book. Many of you know of course familiar with it. So if you have a hat bonded Hamiltonian and exits know south of joined operate it. That is conveniently punter get to it. 87 00:12:32,970 --> 00:12:40,350 Philipp Hoehn: Fair enough. But then later under involved developed a sort of strengthening of that result. 88 00:12:40,860 --> 00:12:55,350 Philipp Hoehn: And again for the case study of a bounded Hamiltonian and they argue that it does not exist any SAFA joint the joint operating at that satisfies of certain wanted to this city property, which roughly summarizes as follows. There. No, I get states have that operator. 89 00:12:56,370 --> 00:13:05,490 Philipp Hoehn: That are ordered in this manner. So it was increasing clock readings, which are such that the transition attitude with respect to shorting a time 90 00:13:06,030 --> 00:13:13,200 Philipp Hoehn: And for going from a smaller O'clock reading to a higher talk reading is non zero for at least some positivity. 91 00:13:13,770 --> 00:13:24,030 Philipp Hoehn: And that is always zero for all positive T for transition of the tooth going from a larger cooperating to a smaller cooperating. So the clock can never run backwards. 92 00:13:24,390 --> 00:13:29,130 Philipp Hoehn: But it can run forward. That was the inputs and then additional at this cannot exist. 93 00:13:29,520 --> 00:13:37,800 Philipp Hoehn: For itself to join to that conclusion, less than anywhere in the state clock which can run forward in time must have a non banishing probability to run backwards in time. 94 00:13:38,370 --> 00:13:46,500 Philipp Hoehn: And so, and then they argued that this is a serious problem for relational dynamics, because other variables that you want to describe 95 00:13:47,310 --> 00:13:58,410 Philipp Hoehn: Loosely want to describe may actually be multi valued at a given the clock reading. And so to counter that day and actually developed quantization of, you know, margin on the gravity that 96 00:13:59,700 --> 00:14:00,000 Further 97 00:14:01,800 --> 00:14:09,390 Philipp Hoehn: And finally, there's the focus of global problem of time and that's basically just the problem. What if you don't have any clocks, or you're just dealing with clocks. 98 00:14:09,870 --> 00:14:19,770 Philipp Hoehn: That are not monotonic, and you have a multi valued in this off the relations between the evolving degrees of freedom and the clock and that can lead to some serious problems. 99 00:14:20,790 --> 00:14:22,560 Philipp Hoehn: Challenges, at least in the conference here. 100 00:14:24,270 --> 00:14:37,950 Philipp Hoehn: Okay, so that's the again the various topics that I want to address here in this talk. And here's the menu for the rest of this talk. I'm not entirely sure I will be able to cover all these topics but I will try. 101 00:14:38,610 --> 00:14:51,270 Philipp Hoehn: So one of the things that we have now shown us that these three canonical approaches are actually exactly equivalent for my class of systems you can consider it a really as three phases of one in the same relational dynamics. 102 00:14:52,260 --> 00:15:09,690 Philipp Hoehn: In that's construction and we have also clarified what quantum end of August of symmetry reduction and also have agent or the extensions of gauge fix quantities using that equivalents. We have actually completely resolved. Also, who cares three criticisms against the waters formalism. 103 00:15:11,250 --> 00:15:20,400 Philipp Hoehn: This issue of realistic clocks may run backwards. I can address using so called quarter and copy of the EMS multiple choice problem we're trying to dress. 104 00:15:21,180 --> 00:15:30,750 Philipp Hoehn: Developing a covariance and that's it via code change us. And lastly, maybe I will still have time to talk about the global problem, the proposal is to 105 00:15:31,770 --> 00:15:35,670 Philipp Hoehn: Think about the dynamics in terms of what might want to call an estimate protection. 106 00:15:36,930 --> 00:15:39,600 Philipp Hoehn: So I'm in the remainder of this talk, I hope I can 107 00:15:40,860 --> 00:15:51,900 Philipp Hoehn: cover these different topics. So let me begin with this issue of realistic clocks may run backwards. So what can we do about this one thing that we 108 00:15:52,470 --> 00:16:02,070 Philipp Hoehn: Want to do here is, in fact, this give up somewhat orthodox idea that or observable in quantum theory have to be selfish on operators and in fact 109 00:16:02,700 --> 00:16:06,630 Philipp Hoehn: There's no by no a huge body of literature on so called generalized measurements. 110 00:16:07,170 --> 00:16:22,680 Philipp Hoehn: Of operating measures that are completely standards in the literature and quantum metrology kind of information on the foundations and that's what we want to use here and using such a few of the EMS will actually still inherit some of these nice features that you would want to have 111 00:16:23,850 --> 00:16:27,420 Philipp Hoehn: For a nice clock. But of course, we have a price to pay for that. 112 00:16:28,650 --> 00:16:34,860 Philipp Hoehn: So we're going to use Colburn copy of the items to model our quantum clocks. So what are these covariance POV. 113 00:16:36,240 --> 00:16:50,580 Philipp Hoehn: So first of all, they define a probability measure for the clock reading. So, suppose the clock readings tag value and all the results, then you can integrate, what are called effect densities over some interval of the real it so that it is an interval here, it's not 114 00:16:51,690 --> 00:17:04,950 Philipp Hoehn: A number. And so then you associate to each interval some positive operator and you require that they define a resolution of the identity. So they add up to now, in contrast to park or to project the value of measures. 115 00:17:06,480 --> 00:17:17,760 Philipp Hoehn: These objects here, the so called effect operators don't have to satisfy the property that if you have effect operators associated to non overlapping time intervals that they have to be orthogonal. So in fact, in general, they want 116 00:17:19,080 --> 00:17:29,670 Philipp Hoehn: And now we want to require a so called covariance property of these effect operators and that's the following, they should behave monotonic Lee under the evolution generated by O'clock Hamiltonian HC 117 00:17:30,570 --> 00:17:41,310 Philipp Hoehn: And so in this manner here. So then you can ask the question, how can one construct something like that. And I will just give you a schematic construction recipe here. 118 00:17:41,880 --> 00:17:50,010 Philipp Hoehn: The details will always depend on what your clock Hamiltonian is but basically you define your effect densities here that go into these POV EMS 119 00:17:50,820 --> 00:17:54,570 Philipp Hoehn: The segments are just degeneracy labeled for the energies of the clock Hamiltonian 120 00:17:54,990 --> 00:18:09,000 Philipp Hoehn: And then you have these clock states here and you can find them schematically as follows. You just take Eigen vectors of the clock Hamiltonian and with such a pre factor here and then it's very easy to see that when you act with the 121 00:18:10,110 --> 00:18:20,190 Philipp Hoehn: Unitary off the clock Hamiltonian on it. Then they behave in this way, methodically and you can really think of these clocks states in some sense of coherent states of the group generated by. It was called kind of Tonia 122 00:18:21,930 --> 00:18:29,340 Philipp Hoehn: And using these these these effect operators are these effect entities, we can then actually define a generalization of 123 00:18:31,320 --> 00:18:42,360 Philipp Hoehn: Spectral the composition and can define so called and small and operators of the pure VM in this form here. So we just take it to the end and then take the next density and integrate that of the reels. 124 00:18:42,930 --> 00:18:51,960 Philipp Hoehn: And these objects actually satisfied generalization of the canonical controversy relations in this form. So it's something that you would want to have a nice clock satisfied. 125 00:18:53,010 --> 00:19:00,090 Philipp Hoehn: Now, so we see they satisfy some nice properties that, of course, we don't get a free lunch, there's a price to pay for that and 126 00:19:01,140 --> 00:19:08,520 Philipp Hoehn: Well, we have a consistent probabilistic interpretation, but we have to accept that typically these ends moment operators will not be salvaged operators. 127 00:19:09,120 --> 00:19:18,600 Philipp Hoehn: These clock states T, they will generally not be orthogonal. So they will not be perfectly distinguishable. And generally, they will also not be eigen states of the first moment operator. 128 00:19:20,550 --> 00:19:33,510 Philipp Hoehn: Okay, I'm just as an aside here when can use these programs also to construct conjugate clock constraint pairs. So in the classical theory and the construction of relational deliverables young cast, for instance, use a lot 129 00:19:34,410 --> 00:19:37,980 Philipp Hoehn: This relation year that given some classical clock function t 130 00:19:38,670 --> 00:19:45,210 Philipp Hoehn: You can always find a constraint that's conjugate to it by rescaling the constraints. So effectively what we're doing here in the quantum theory is 131 00:19:45,570 --> 00:20:00,000 Philipp Hoehn: Kind of the jewel procedure, given some fixed Amazonian constraint or the clock Hamiltonian, you know, try to find a contract gets the contract moments that satisfy this condition. And in fact, this can be done for fairly wide cost constraints of all kind of 132 00:20:01,770 --> 00:20:12,420 Philipp Hoehn: Okay. If you have never seen these objects. Let me just give you an example and particular supposed to clock Hamiltonian is given in this form here is of course appears in relativistic systems. 133 00:20:13,080 --> 00:20:20,370 Philipp Hoehn: But then we can define this clock states, we have to split them into positive and negative frequency modes and they can be defined in this form here. 134 00:20:21,270 --> 00:20:29,430 Philipp Hoehn: And it turns out, then they are not orthogonal. That's not a problem. But they of course satisfied is covariance property here. So they're monotonic under that clock evolution. 135 00:20:30,060 --> 00:20:38,100 Philipp Hoehn: And for instance, if redefined the first moment operator off that pure VM in this manner here or if it finds us that it's actually equivalent 136 00:20:38,490 --> 00:20:53,640 Philipp Hoehn: To the symmetric quantization of that clock function year which classic me is, is of course conjugate to that clock Hamiltonian and the price we pay us that object is clearly not have a joint, but we can still work mostly 137 00:20:55,380 --> 00:20:55,950 Philipp Hoehn: Okay. 138 00:20:56,580 --> 00:20:58,080 Abhay Ashtekar: This transparency, what is sigma 139 00:20:58,110 --> 00:20:58,740 Abhay Ashtekar: Can you tell us 140 00:20:59,280 --> 00:21:00,030 Philipp Hoehn: Sorry. Oh. 141 00:21:00,090 --> 00:21:02,610 Philipp Hoehn: Sigma is really positive negative frequency mode so 142 00:21:02,610 --> 00:21:04,170 Philipp Hoehn: It's the degeneracy sector of 143 00:21:05,340 --> 00:21:06,810 Philipp Hoehn: Of he says 144 00:21:06,840 --> 00:21:07,920 Abhay Ashtekar: Is this plus or minus 145 00:21:08,010 --> 00:21:08,940 Philipp Hoehn: Yeah, just plus or minus 146 00:21:09,270 --> 00:21:09,600 Abhay Ashtekar: Thank you. 147 00:21:11,400 --> 00:21:18,270 Philipp Hoehn: OK, so now we want to use these clock POV comes in most of the cycle of this talk. 148 00:21:18,750 --> 00:21:28,770 Philipp Hoehn: And so now I will come to this equivalence of these three different approaches that I will try to explain. Well, at least give you an overview of why they're equivalent. We call that the trinity of relation quantum 149 00:21:29,820 --> 00:21:39,540 Philipp Hoehn: So that starts. So since we're going to work also with equivalent to page voters. We're going to adopt a little restriction that they also use that we assumed as a splitting of the constraints to cook and system. 150 00:21:39,900 --> 00:21:42,780 Philipp Hoehn: So there's no interaction between clock and evolving degrees of freedom. 151 00:21:43,230 --> 00:21:51,120 Philipp Hoehn: And for the time being, and later relax that but for the time being we assume that the Kakuma Tony has a continuous spectrum in January. It's really a group that is 152 00:21:51,750 --> 00:22:01,590 Philipp Hoehn: Basically our so the clock is monotonic at the system. Hello, Tony, can be anything. And that's still covers a wide range of models that are interested in these for instance in cosmology. 153 00:22:03,000 --> 00:22:07,290 Philipp Hoehn: Okay, so the first step is that we want to contact these relations rocket variables. 154 00:22:07,590 --> 00:22:15,690 Philipp Hoehn: So, I mean, first of all say what we do, classically, so we've also constantly at least locally. It's always possible to some time function that is conjugate to to that constraint. 155 00:22:16,590 --> 00:22:24,780 Philipp Hoehn: And we will restrict to observable off the system. And so we will ask for the value of FS one to talk real talk. And then this 156 00:22:25,230 --> 00:22:34,350 Philipp Hoehn: House here is construction by Bianca actually simplifies in this manner here and then now what we want to do is a contest that object. And basically, what we see is 157 00:22:35,490 --> 00:22:45,840 Philipp Hoehn: Really one of the crucial things we need us quantization of this T T n. And now we know how to do it. We have these covert O'clock POV. I'm so we'll just use the moment operator off the field. 158 00:22:47,220 --> 00:22:50,490 Philipp Hoehn: And so here's just in a nutshell. How you do that in the quantum theory. 159 00:22:51,690 --> 00:22:57,060 Philipp Hoehn: So the colonization of that power series just looks like this, as in this line. I hope you can actually see 160 00:22:57,810 --> 00:23:04,200 Philipp Hoehn: My pointer. And so this year is really just a moment operator. So what I'm pointing at here of the pure VM. 161 00:23:04,650 --> 00:23:11,820 Philipp Hoehn: The top is really the inherited from the classical expression. And then we have the policies here in terms of commentators 162 00:23:12,150 --> 00:23:18,840 Philipp Hoehn: And then it's not very hard to convince herself. They can rewrite that whole expression in terms of some over degeneracy sectors. 163 00:23:19,290 --> 00:23:29,940 Philipp Hoehn: And then you have a coherent group leveraging and so called G twirl off this operates in brackets here. So you have a conditioning or a sort of a projector on to the clock time tall. 164 00:23:30,450 --> 00:23:39,660 Philipp Hoehn: And while the sector sigma is the frequency sector sigma and then times the observable you're interested in. And so that's called the detail. 165 00:23:40,620 --> 00:23:46,320 Philipp Hoehn: And so what you see also here that classical parameter talk has actually also become a quantum degree of freedom. 166 00:23:47,310 --> 00:23:51,120 Philipp Hoehn: And now it's also not very hard to show that these objects actually are. 167 00:23:51,630 --> 00:24:01,890 Philipp Hoehn: A gauge it better. And they're stronger October, those that come up with the constraints and have a bunch of other nice algebraic properties. For instance, they also define homomorphic comes from these little FS to the observable. 168 00:24:02,970 --> 00:24:03,810 Philipp Hoehn: Go further into that. 169 00:24:04,890 --> 00:24:07,230 Abhay Ashtekar: you emphasize that the moments. 170 00:24:07,410 --> 00:24:10,560 Abhay Ashtekar: To to the end. I'm not self a giant. So what happens here with the F. 171 00:24:11,250 --> 00:24:16,170 Philipp Hoehn: Yeah, capital A few mean yes let me, let me try to address that a bit later. So 172 00:24:16,530 --> 00:24:17,400 Abhay Ashtekar: Thank you. Thank you. 173 00:24:17,460 --> 00:24:20,730 Philipp Hoehn: Um, yeah, if I forget it, you can come back to me. 174 00:24:21,870 --> 00:24:30,780 Philipp Hoehn: So yeah, so that's so that was basically as much as I wanted to say about direct causation here know that see why it is equivalent to so called quantum the parameter ization 175 00:24:31,410 --> 00:24:37,470 Philipp Hoehn: So what we want to do now is we want to emulate what I explained before, classically for classically, we had the splitting. 176 00:24:37,890 --> 00:24:47,280 Philipp Hoehn: Of the pace pace are the constraints surface and pure engage engage in varying degrees of freedom. And then again, fixing and now we want to do the same in the quantum theory. So how do we do that. 177 00:24:48,150 --> 00:24:54,600 Philipp Hoehn: So the first thing to do is we also perform a transformation that is actually generally also maybe find on the physical space. 178 00:24:55,080 --> 00:25:04,590 Philipp Hoehn: That splits the degrees of freedom into pure gauge and drop observer bolts and it does so actually cross the tents of the kinematic intensive factorization to clock in system. 179 00:25:05,340 --> 00:25:12,450 Philipp Hoehn: So this transformation has that form here. You can call it in a way it doesn't angler it's a kinematic of isn't angler 180 00:25:13,230 --> 00:25:28,440 Philipp Hoehn: To be the capital without and what does it do well. For instance, the end moment operators, it actually really. But basically, he was an invariant, and the constraints of sorts. It's transformed purely into the clock factor. You might wonder why it has an epsilon here that's just because 181 00:25:30,030 --> 00:25:44,070 Philipp Hoehn: So that's zero lies in the spectrum of HC minus epsilon because it may be. That's why the total constraint. He has he has their own spectrum HC by itself does not necessarily have to have it. So, epsilon, there's just some eigenvalue off HC 182 00:25:44,580 --> 00:25:54,720 Philipp Hoehn: But what you see is the constraint. Now, and the gauge degrees of freedom only live on the seat attentive factor. And if you look at the clubs are those the relationship circles. They transform. I know that. 183 00:25:55,320 --> 00:26:07,170 Philipp Hoehn: Transformation to purely him to have the system factor. And that's actually a week relations only holds on the physical Herbert space. And what you get is really that the right hand side here. It's just the highs and back operator. 184 00:26:08,730 --> 00:26:16,890 Philipp Hoehn: Now the second step is then the analog of gauge fixing what we do is we just condition on declare class with gauge and on sigma and 185 00:26:17,550 --> 00:26:25,230 Philipp Hoehn: On the frequency sector. So that's as in the page with this formulation. When we get to reduce server space on your system degrees of freedom. 186 00:26:25,530 --> 00:26:36,720 Philipp Hoehn: So when you look at the intermediate states what we're already doing us. We're just getting rid of that pre factor, but there's no physical information inside all the information is only in the system toxin and that's all that survives. 187 00:26:38,040 --> 00:26:38,550 Philipp Hoehn: Now, 188 00:26:40,320 --> 00:26:49,770 Philipp Hoehn: So what. So basically, the total reduction ID parameter ization not this, then the concatenation of that trivialization disentangle our tea with that conditioning here. 189 00:26:50,250 --> 00:26:58,470 Philipp Hoehn: And you can show that it isn't is on the tree at least her sigma sector, and it turns out it's actually, it's it's convertible and 190 00:26:58,920 --> 00:27:07,470 Philipp Hoehn: When you invert it and you conjugate the shock absorber balls with that's a parameter ization map, you just get the 191 00:27:08,460 --> 00:27:23,820 Philipp Hoehn: Heisenberg operators. So you see the relational dribbles just becomes a standard relational Heisenberg picture operators and the states of course they transformed from the physical space to these highs and back state. So we really good. I get a relational picture. 192 00:27:25,560 --> 00:27:30,120 Philipp Hoehn: Now, and let me just give you an overview comparing the classical versus quantum symmetry reduction. 193 00:27:30,750 --> 00:27:37,470 Philipp Hoehn: So the classical structures on left quantum and outs and the rights over the first two, I guess that fairly clear chromatic face base maps is 194 00:27:37,920 --> 00:27:48,060 Philipp Hoehn: A bird space constraints surface for physical space. Now the class. Well, we can do a gauge fixed reduced face basis per frequency sector relative to clock. 195 00:27:48,930 --> 00:27:57,000 Philipp Hoehn: The quantum equivalent to that reduced hybrid space and that I just gave you on the previous slide, the analog. The bottom analog of this canonical 196 00:27:57,600 --> 00:28:02,940 Philipp Hoehn: Transformation splits engage in two degrees of freedom to engage engage in varying degrees of freedom is that 197 00:28:03,360 --> 00:28:12,300 Philipp Hoehn: trivialization or disentangling operation, the gauge fixing condition t equals top prime is given by the conditioning on this clock PM states. 198 00:28:12,960 --> 00:28:19,560 Philipp Hoehn: The gauge fixed of the observer both classically that satisfy these equations of motion or just given by the relation Heisenberg operators. 199 00:28:19,980 --> 00:28:24,540 Philipp Hoehn: And now if you want to do the inverse. So not the quantum analog of gauge fixing 200 00:28:24,990 --> 00:28:34,260 Philipp Hoehn: At the quantum analog of engagement by an extension of gauge fix quantities. Remember, classically, that was just these relational observer goals, but we now also know what the quantum matter lockers 201 00:28:34,680 --> 00:28:42,660 Philipp Hoehn: These FS here in the middle, they're just they're like the quantum gauge fixed observer bolts and now the congregation with these 202 00:28:44,430 --> 00:28:50,130 Philipp Hoehn: Reduction maps, they embed those operators back into the physical here but space and I can convince myself. 203 00:28:50,460 --> 00:29:01,590 Philipp Hoehn: That there are indeed weekly equivalent to the relational deliverables and so does tie sigma in front and the Tita sigma here. They're just projected onto the onto the different frequency sectors. 204 00:29:02,970 --> 00:29:09,570 Philipp Hoehn: OK, so now that we have these different structures that hadn't. We might ask about the relation between direct and produce quantization. 205 00:29:10,230 --> 00:29:15,420 Philipp Hoehn: So he has all these analogous structures in one diagram. So we have the kingdom article face space. 206 00:29:15,900 --> 00:29:31,380 Philipp Hoehn: Constraint and gives the constraints surface than doing these classical reductions a symmetry reduction gives us then a reduced face to face. And then we may do some reduce quantization. By contrast, we can also do a direct monetization of the kinetic hybrid space. And you can imagine. 207 00:29:32,640 --> 00:29:41,520 Philipp Hoehn: Using it came out of a bright space, then there was some group averaging project. I got a physical a workspace and then do our part of symmetry reduction procedure and get some reduce to every 208 00:29:42,690 --> 00:29:57,180 Philipp Hoehn: Now the question is, is a does that diagram commute. And of course the answer is sometimes it does, but not in general. And that is because obviously in general constraining you're contacting don't commute as many people have shown 209 00:29:58,260 --> 00:30:11,280 Philipp Hoehn: So here what you can say, more precisely, is actually or the slogan. I think would be more precisely phrased as, since we don't know what's mature reductionism the quantum theory that cemetery production organization don't 210 00:30:12,510 --> 00:30:15,390 Philipp Hoehn: Um, I think there was a question or if I'm not mistaken. 211 00:30:18,060 --> 00:30:18,660 Okay, maybe not. 212 00:30:20,550 --> 00:30:22,470 Philipp Hoehn: OK, let me move on. 213 00:30:23,610 --> 00:30:37,170 Philipp Hoehn: So what in particular. So in general the reduced quantum series of pain and the two different ways, who are generally the equivalent. And that's mostly expressed in the fact that spectra observer bowls us reduce quantum series may not be the same. 214 00:30:38,580 --> 00:30:50,850 Philipp Hoehn: Okay. And so I just wanted to make that point in order to emphasize that the equivalency of this Trinity is really in terms of quantum the parameter ization and not in general in terms of the retail space based compensation. 215 00:30:52,230 --> 00:30:56,880 Philipp Hoehn: Okay, so now let's also see why the page. What is formulation is actually fully equivalent 216 00:30:58,620 --> 00:31:13,620 Philipp Hoehn: To the direct quantization of relationships variables. And so let's recall we had seen before the conditional state of the system, given that the clock reads Tom as defined in this manner and remember that satisfies a shorthand equation. 217 00:31:14,970 --> 00:31:28,920 Philipp Hoehn: So we can now use that analogy to that caught him cemetery reduction that I told you about before to define another reduction map that we defined in this way so conditioning on the clock states now taking into account that we also have degeneracy sector sigma 218 00:31:30,000 --> 00:31:30,630 Philipp Hoehn: And so 219 00:31:32,250 --> 00:31:34,950 Philipp Hoehn: Basically what we're doing is we're doing the same. 220 00:31:35,460 --> 00:31:46,440 Philipp Hoehn: Procedure. As for the relational highs and back picture. So I'm doing a cemetery reduction but without the intermediate step of this trivialization or this disentangling operation. So we're just skipping that step. 221 00:31:47,220 --> 00:32:02,520 Philipp Hoehn: And then, of course, we get this reduced to a workspace and the state satisfy the shooting and equation. And what you can convince yourself that actually this reduction, not this, what we call the patient with us reduction lap is actually weekly equivalent to the parameter ization 222 00:32:03,840 --> 00:32:12,150 Philipp Hoehn: map that I gave you before this other symmetry reduction of up to a unitary that unitary is just a unitary on the system with that time of Russian 223 00:32:12,450 --> 00:32:25,290 Philipp Hoehn: Parameter top and so then you should not be surprised that if we know also conjugate is relational observable from the physical Hibbert space with us page, what size reduction back there. We just get the shorting a picture observable so 224 00:32:26,010 --> 00:32:37,470 Philipp Hoehn: Here in this picture states evolve and tall and observable don't evolve so we just get the relation shooting I picture should be obvious that it is equivalent to that relational hasn't back picture that we had before. 225 00:32:38,490 --> 00:32:43,020 Philipp Hoehn: So this year is done for the class of systems that we've considered the equivalence 226 00:32:44,370 --> 00:32:57,300 Philipp Hoehn: Given by these mobs page. What does reduction map quantum the parameter ization map and then here between the relationship, getting a picture of it back, which is just a unitary and then while that relational hyphen back picture sometimes equivalent to reduce content creation. 227 00:32:59,250 --> 00:33:08,340 Philipp Hoehn: Okay, just as a side note, so here that Trinity was showing for a while just a single constraint and certain restrictions. 228 00:33:08,820 --> 00:33:15,540 Philipp Hoehn: And it actually turns out that the structures and equipment. This whole way more generally, and can be generalized. In fact, under certain conditions. 229 00:33:15,960 --> 00:33:24,870 Philipp Hoehn: Required reference system so arbitrary locally, contact me groups and so yeah these are much more general structures and hopefully in the near future. You can read more about that. 230 00:33:26,220 --> 00:33:40,410 Philipp Hoehn: Okay, now I'm coming again to the criticisms that could cause raised against the page. What does formalism that I summarized before so we can reap the fruits of that equivalents to actually 231 00:33:41,040 --> 00:33:53,220 Philipp Hoehn: resolve these criticisms completely. So remember the first one was the argue that the conditional probabilities would be incompatible with the constraints, because you have these conditional. I'm sorry. These can imagine 232 00:33:54,150 --> 00:33:59,250 Philipp Hoehn: You know, and they don't come up with the constraints. So they would throw the physical state out of the physical Herbert's 233 00:34:00,810 --> 00:34:10,140 Philipp Hoehn: Now a corollary from the Trinity. Remember that the revelation observer boats are completely equivalent to the reduced observer balls in the shooting a picture. And so here 234 00:34:10,650 --> 00:34:17,820 Philipp Hoehn: Who cares was considering the non degenerate cases here. We can also consider that on the general case. And a corollary from the equivalence of the Trinity is 235 00:34:18,210 --> 00:34:34,020 Philipp Hoehn: That if you evaluate the relational directives are both in the physical enough product. So this is a manifesto engagement very an object if I'm on the physical space. It was exactly equal to the inner product. Sorry that expectation value of the corresponding 236 00:34:35,250 --> 00:34:44,520 Philipp Hoehn: System observable on the reduced Herbert space evaluate and they're shooting on a product relative to these states evolving with respect to the shorting equation. 237 00:34:45,780 --> 00:35:00,030 Philipp Hoehn: And now we can come back to that conditional probability you so here the first line is just what I had before, but now using that observation. This camaraderie. Here you can just rewrite the first line in the following way. So the sorry the 238 00:35:00,690 --> 00:35:06,360 Philipp Hoehn: Numerator and so the numerator has just given by the direct observable corresponding to 239 00:35:06,840 --> 00:35:15,840 Philipp Hoehn: The projection operators on certain outcomes of that observable, but these are also relational backups are both evaluated in the physical product. 240 00:35:16,200 --> 00:35:24,000 Philipp Hoehn: And then you divide again by the physical product. So, this denominator here is just the gauge fixed expression of the physical product. 241 00:35:24,690 --> 00:35:34,740 Philipp Hoehn: So in other words, these conditional probabilities are manifested engagement variant. They're absolutely not in in conflict with the constraints, they're perfectly compatible with the constraints. 242 00:35:35,550 --> 00:35:48,540 Philipp Hoehn: And so this is actually also nice because these conditional probabilities. They provide us know with a nice conditional probability interpretation of relational observable that we didn't have in that form before 243 00:35:50,520 --> 00:36:07,380 Philipp Hoehn: So the upshot from this observation is or this Trinity is really that you should regard the page. What does formalism as quantum analog of a gauge fixed formulation of a manifesto engage in very relational dynamics defined on the physical Herbert space. It really is equivalent 244 00:36:09,150 --> 00:36:19,230 Philipp Hoehn: Now, coming back to the second criticism that could cause race against the page. What does formulas, namely that would lead to wrong propagates us for non relativistic systems. 245 00:36:20,370 --> 00:36:24,060 Philipp Hoehn: So when can now see that actually the way kuqa 246 00:36:24,660 --> 00:36:32,490 Philipp Hoehn: Conditions was actually wrong. So what we can do is now, given that we have this equivalence of the page waters for relational relational Draco observer boats. 247 00:36:32,850 --> 00:36:40,980 Philipp Hoehn: We can just go back to the physical hybrid space define a correct to time conditioning for any observer bolts. A and D on that physical Hibbert space. 248 00:36:41,850 --> 00:36:47,520 Philipp Hoehn: They are encoded in these projection operators on the physical here good space that I'm pointing at here. 249 00:36:48,030 --> 00:36:57,090 Philipp Hoehn: So the pie. A and pie be there, just the projectors, or even keel VM elements, if you wanted on certain outcomes, corresponding to any of the articles and be 250 00:36:57,780 --> 00:37:04,410 Philipp Hoehn: And why you throw them into the physical in our product and you normalize by this factor here. So this is the right conditional 251 00:37:05,040 --> 00:37:23,040 Philipp Hoehn: Probability on the physical Herbert space and that gives you the well what you have on the right hand side. What's the probability that be has outcome little be at cooperating top prime, given that the observable a outcome at a time talk. And now, given our equivalence with 252 00:37:24,210 --> 00:37:36,360 Philipp Hoehn: Page. What is we can translate that whole stuff into the reduced hybrid space. And what we find is this result here. And that is really the correct transition probability in the shooting a picture for general observable. 253 00:37:37,080 --> 00:37:40,680 Philipp Hoehn: But if that's not enough for you. If we can we can restrict that whole 254 00:37:41,250 --> 00:37:46,650 Philipp Hoehn: Construction here now to the non relativistic particle and just set a and b equals to the position operator. 255 00:37:47,010 --> 00:38:04,470 Philipp Hoehn: And set the outcomes be to Q prime and a to queue. And then it just reduces to exactly the right transition probability that we should get. And I just emphasize this is really exact know approximations needed here and it works really for a wide class of 20 constraints. 256 00:38:06,060 --> 00:38:11,160 Philipp Hoehn: At this point, I should mention that they have been previous proposals for getting the transition probabilities right and 257 00:38:12,120 --> 00:38:21,600 Philipp Hoehn: In the page. What does formulas in order to address the glucose criticism most notable one year is really by Rodolfo forehead and have a porter Sebastian Ronan 258 00:38:22,290 --> 00:38:33,450 Philipp Hoehn: And they also work with drops over balls, but they don't use the equivalence that we use, but rather they use a combination of the page waters ideas and dropped on a physical space. 259 00:38:34,440 --> 00:38:47,670 Philipp Hoehn: In contrast, us to integrate all the clock ratings tall and then then you find some relations rockets always been a new clock and then that leads to some coherence and you get the right proper gators 260 00:38:48,690 --> 00:38:50,520 Philipp Hoehn: Only approximately approximately 261 00:38:51,840 --> 00:39:01,530 Philipp Hoehn: And there is another proposal for a resolution that was developed by these guys here on the left and I should emphasize, so they get the rights. 262 00:39:03,060 --> 00:39:14,310 Philipp Hoehn: Propagate us, however, it's strictly to idea clocks and what they do is they have to add additional Insula degrees of freedom for each new sequential measurement for each conditioning. 263 00:39:14,880 --> 00:39:22,290 Philipp Hoehn: And in order to do so, they also have to modify the Hamiltonian constraints and add interactions to the Hamiltonian constraint and your degrees of freedom. 264 00:39:22,740 --> 00:39:31,770 Philipp Hoehn: So it is a very interesting proposal, however, I would argue that by actually modifying the original problem. They can argue that they have actually 265 00:39:33,570 --> 00:39:45,330 Philipp Hoehn: Found a resolution to the original problem. So overall I would still stand by their by our resolution as being the lights resolution of criticism. 266 00:39:47,730 --> 00:39:50,970 Philipp Hoehn: OK, now let's come to the last criticism of cash. 267 00:39:52,620 --> 00:40:01,740 Philipp Hoehn: Flow cash, as I mentioned, showed that if you condition. If you do the paperwork does conditioning and with respect to makovsky time for Gordon systems. 268 00:40:02,250 --> 00:40:15,990 Philipp Hoehn: And you get this expression here website is just a solution to the category equation, no separation into positive negative frequency modes, of course, that does not correspond to any accepted notion of localization for relativistic particle systems. 269 00:40:17,220 --> 00:40:32,220 Philipp Hoehn: And so the resolution of this issue is somewhat more subtle than the other ones. And that's because relativistic particle mechanics away from fear theory as you might know this know exact notion of localization probabilities 270 00:40:33,270 --> 00:40:42,660 Philipp Hoehn: Due to the theorems of elements and Perez Wilder and so the best one can really hope for some approximate notion of localization probability 271 00:40:43,230 --> 00:40:50,640 Philipp Hoehn: And that is, for instance, done in terms of the Wagner localization and now it turns out, so this is somewhat peculiar 272 00:40:51,480 --> 00:40:59,970 Philipp Hoehn: We have shown us that if you condition, instead of on the mccroskey time operator condition on these cold air and clock POV AMS 273 00:41:00,330 --> 00:41:09,300 Philipp Hoehn: Then you actually get a Wagner type localization probability. We're now at separates into positive and negative frequency modes as it should. 274 00:41:09,810 --> 00:41:16,980 Philipp Hoehn: And what you have here the shorting equipment solution to the shorthand equation which is going away function. 275 00:41:17,550 --> 00:41:25,680 Philipp Hoehn: And here I should also emphasize that, in this case, the physical enough product for the sigma modes of corresponds, of course, to this. 276 00:41:26,100 --> 00:41:37,140 Philipp Hoehn: Client Gordon, our product with sigma in front of it and that is actually equal to this kind of shorting and our product for these women are away functions. So this is not an invariant 277 00:41:38,490 --> 00:41:49,890 Philipp Hoehn: It's an approximate notion of localization. It's not actually Lawrence invariant as as well known, but it's often considered sort of the best possible localization notion and relativistic practical dynamics. 278 00:41:50,310 --> 00:42:01,950 Philipp Hoehn: And it's peculiar that one gets that here. So you might wonder, why should you care about this. Well, you should care if you're interested also in in relation observable. It's because 279 00:42:02,880 --> 00:42:17,310 Philipp Hoehn: Relational observable through a trinity equivalence their equivalent to this page with us formulation and if you have some issues for interpretation issues in the in the page. What is formulas and then they would also extrapolate to 280 00:42:18,360 --> 00:42:23,820 Philipp Hoehn: To relational deliverables. But here we see that we get some sort of an acceptable notion of localization. 281 00:42:24,990 --> 00:42:30,660 Philipp Hoehn: Through this this attack organization, also in Dubai for for relational tentacles. 282 00:42:32,490 --> 00:42:32,880 Philipp Hoehn: Alright. 283 00:42:34,230 --> 00:42:35,010 Philipp Hoehn: So, 284 00:42:36,120 --> 00:42:40,380 Philipp Hoehn: Let me now come to the multiple choice problem and so 285 00:42:41,610 --> 00:42:52,350 Philipp Hoehn: You know the problem that we, there may be many different internal time choices and I will just tell you how I might want to address this in this may go under the name of covariance covariance 286 00:42:53,670 --> 00:43:03,660 Philipp Hoehn: And the me just summarize the very basic ideas. So the basic idea is, and it goes back to what I said in the very beginning is to not view the physical state satisfying 287 00:43:04,890 --> 00:43:11,580 Philipp Hoehn: Satisfying Hamiltonian constraint as being some timeless object, but rather as being a clock neutral state. So what I mean by that. 288 00:43:11,910 --> 00:43:20,850 Philipp Hoehn: But it is a description of the physics prior to having chosen temper reference system relative to which we described to remain the dynamics of the remaining degrees of freedom. 289 00:43:22,020 --> 00:43:24,030 Philipp Hoehn: Now you might ask, why is that possible. 290 00:43:26,040 --> 00:43:35,250 Philipp Hoehn: And that interpretation is possible here because there's of course a symmetry constraints and use redundancy in the description of the physical Herbert space. 291 00:43:36,300 --> 00:43:45,870 Philipp Hoehn: In terms of the kinematics data in which you write down physical states, but there's also fact redundancy among the physical degrees of freedom, sort of constraints. They're not all independent 292 00:43:46,380 --> 00:43:55,380 Philipp Hoehn: And so that gives us many different ways in which we can describe the same invariant physical states in terms of the Prince of kinematic operators. 293 00:43:56,550 --> 00:44:04,950 Philipp Hoehn: And the basic idea is that we associate these different ways of describing the same invariance states as being related to different clock choices. 294 00:44:06,330 --> 00:44:12,720 Philipp Hoehn: And as you have seen earlier in the talk. We had these quantum symmetry reduction maps that removed redundancy. 295 00:44:13,290 --> 00:44:23,040 Philipp Hoehn: And then, well we could interpret the results in quantum see or the reduce quantum serious being basically the dynamics relative to a particular choice. So the 296 00:44:23,490 --> 00:44:35,370 Philipp Hoehn: Idea is now that we basically interpret these reduction maps in some sense as quantum Gordon apps that sort of map from this clock neutral description to a given clock perspective. 297 00:44:36,720 --> 00:44:38,550 Philipp Hoehn: Now let me 298 00:44:40,560 --> 00:44:46,020 Philipp Hoehn: just summarize that schematically how that works in practice. So they exist by know various papers. 299 00:44:46,920 --> 00:45:02,790 Philipp Hoehn: Was references I give there in the upper right corner, how that might be done. So suppose you are given a Tony constraint as here on the left. So again, support, we have no interactions and as a clock Hamiltonian wanted another call Hamiltonian to and Sam system. 300 00:45:04,230 --> 00:45:06,930 Philipp Hoehn: And so the basic idea is now that 301 00:45:08,070 --> 00:45:16,530 Philipp Hoehn: Well, we have the clock neutral physical here workspace. The physical hybrid space might split them to different frequency sectors for each clock and 302 00:45:17,670 --> 00:45:21,090 Philipp Hoehn: And so in that case, we actually have to find these reduction maps. 303 00:45:22,110 --> 00:45:32,490 Philipp Hoehn: On each of these frequencies sectors and what we can do is actually map. So for instance, what we see here support them. So, this we can interpret as the reduced 304 00:45:33,420 --> 00:45:45,990 Philipp Hoehn: Herbert space relative to clock see one, so sort of the perspective of klutzy one and then we have to reduce Herbert space relative to the two clocks in tune. So sort of the perspective of proxy to in certain frequency sectors. 305 00:45:46,860 --> 00:45:56,370 Philipp Hoehn: And then the way to map from the perspective of proxy one to proxy to would just be inverting the reduction map sort of as a quantum Gordon map. 306 00:45:56,790 --> 00:46:05,040 Philipp Hoehn: embedding it back into the physical here but space into the relevant sector of it and then concatenate it with a foreword map into the new perspective. 307 00:46:05,940 --> 00:46:12,090 Philipp Hoehn: And so that happens frequently sector why schematically these transformations, they will have that form here on the left. 308 00:46:12,630 --> 00:46:27,390 Philipp Hoehn: And you can of course apply those those two states so states, which is really transforming this manner. So, so these would be states, of course, to and the system relative to clock one they would map and to certain states. 309 00:46:29,130 --> 00:46:34,980 Philipp Hoehn: Relative to cop to but now become the system of one system. 310 00:46:35,760 --> 00:46:43,110 Philipp Hoehn: And you can do the same thing for observable so you can transform observable in this way. So, of course, what I'm getting at is really just a schematic summary of it. 311 00:46:43,470 --> 00:46:49,800 Philipp Hoehn: But the basic idea is that we always describe the same physics that relative to different perspectives and sort of structures. 312 00:46:50,220 --> 00:46:57,150 Philipp Hoehn: On the physical here big space. So this clock neutral here but space are ready to invest in structure. So you can think of them and some analogy to the 313 00:46:57,570 --> 00:47:10,590 Philipp Hoehn: Like Lawrence invariance scanner and special relativity. But then there's this many different ways in which we can write that invariant information relative to different frame choices and this year is sort of quantum analog of that. 314 00:47:12,150 --> 00:47:24,660 Philipp Hoehn: Now this leads to very interesting physical consequences, and I'm just going to throw them here at you if you're interested in knowing more about it. And you can ask me or consult these references to indicate here. 315 00:47:25,980 --> 00:47:27,420 Philipp Hoehn: One thing is so overall, you get 316 00:47:28,500 --> 00:47:31,950 Philipp Hoehn: Certain tempo of frame dependence of clock dependence of the physics. 317 00:47:33,030 --> 00:47:42,690 Philipp Hoehn: You get something that is loosely speaking, something like a quantum relativity of comparing readings of different quantum clocks or synchronizing different quantum clocks. 318 00:47:43,200 --> 00:47:51,630 Philipp Hoehn: So you might say, well, that's maybe not a surprise, it is actually interesting because it's a pure quantum attack that does not arise classically because classically 319 00:47:52,590 --> 00:48:04,530 Philipp Hoehn: The relations between two different clocks, also in terms of relational observer boats, they would correspond to two different kinds of relationships over bolts, but of course the pairings of the different clock readings that will always be the same. It doesn't matter which 320 00:48:06,600 --> 00:48:18,420 Philipp Hoehn: Which clock perspective you choose. And it turns out that this is no longer true and the quantum theory and then has to do with the fact that, of course, now we're dealing with operators and also quantum states have mantra goes on turtle spreads. 321 00:48:19,470 --> 00:48:23,670 Philipp Hoehn: So another interesting feature that appears as that's actually 322 00:48:24,570 --> 00:48:34,800 Philipp Hoehn: An evolution that appears as being temporarily local relative to one clock may appear as a superposition of time revolutions relative to another. And so that's an interesting feature. 323 00:48:35,700 --> 00:48:51,210 Philipp Hoehn: And you can also get some funny Cox alpha inference effects. And then here, there's two papers that I just want to mention they don't use the same framework as I'm summarizing here. But what was shown in this in this 324 00:48:52,620 --> 00:49:04,260 Philipp Hoehn: Reference by Stephen given and then this is that's singularity singularity resolution quantum cosmology may depend on the clock, there was also this recent paper by Christina geezer. The and 325 00:49:05,730 --> 00:49:15,990 Philipp Hoehn: For a show in reduce quantization the enemy confrontation or nomics on different choices or box You could ask other one could maybe embed that into Scott change framework. 326 00:49:17,550 --> 00:49:22,920 Philipp Hoehn: Now let me also emphasize that these clock changes I've just described at four o'clock changes. 327 00:49:23,430 --> 00:49:38,580 Philipp Hoehn: But that this whole quantum covariance scheme is actually much more general you can define that also for spatial quantum reference frames, you can control these references here and let me also emphasize that I know it is possible to be fine or extend that covariance of 328 00:49:39,690 --> 00:49:47,370 Philipp Hoehn: Quantum frame perspectives. So for also spatial ones to arbitrary liquid compact eagles under certain conditions. 329 00:49:48,660 --> 00:49:59,160 Philipp Hoehn: But the basic idea is always that you have sort of quantum reference frame perspective changes as the form of what you might want to call it. Quantum coordinate changes. 330 00:49:59,730 --> 00:50:05,640 Philipp Hoehn: You have what we then call more generally perspective neutral description, that's really just the physical here but space. 331 00:50:05,970 --> 00:50:18,600 Philipp Hoehn: And then you have two different continents symmetry reduction maps sort of as quite accorded maps in different reduce carbon series and then you go from one description to the other always I'm in this composite manner and just analogous to coordinate changes. 332 00:50:19,920 --> 00:50:26,460 Philipp Hoehn: Okay. And that also has some repercussions for the way function of the universe. 333 00:50:27,690 --> 00:50:31,770 Philipp Hoehn: So why might want to develop a new perspective on the way function, the universe. 334 00:50:32,790 --> 00:50:34,170 Philipp Hoehn: Using these insights 335 00:50:35,670 --> 00:50:40,380 Philipp Hoehn: So everyone wants to quantifies gravity. In the end, let's say economically. 336 00:50:41,220 --> 00:50:50,340 Philipp Hoehn: Whatever the physical states are they will be patterns of redundancy in the states and the proposal then has really to to view that way function of the universe. 337 00:50:50,820 --> 00:50:55,410 Philipp Hoehn: As being a perspective neutral quantum state of the universal global description. 338 00:50:56,340 --> 00:51:03,540 Philipp Hoehn: Sort of a global description prior to having made a choice of quantum reference frame relative to you which you want to describe the physics of the remaining degrees of freedom. 339 00:51:04,230 --> 00:51:17,580 Philipp Hoehn: And you could also view that way function of the universe then sort of as a link between all the different internal reference frame perspectives on the universe. And so, that is, for me, it's sort of my personal proposal to render 340 00:51:19,290 --> 00:51:26,670 Philipp Hoehn: One of this concept of a wave function of the universe compatible with colors relational quantum mechanics that maybe some of you might be familiar with. 341 00:51:27,420 --> 00:51:39,840 Philipp Hoehn: So they are the ideas that states are always really relative to some observer and which at first sight seems to be somewhat in conflict with the notion of a function of the universe. To me, this year would be my best answer that I could give to 342 00:51:41,190 --> 00:51:41,820 To to 343 00:51:42,870 --> 00:51:44,430 Philipp Hoehn: Make the two consistent with one another. 344 00:51:46,020 --> 00:52:00,750 Philipp Hoehn: Okay. And here is the final topic so seems maybe so I'm like three minutes overtime, but maybe I will need like five minutes and then I'm finished. That's okay. And so, so far we had already considered 345 00:52:02,160 --> 00:52:15,510 Philipp Hoehn: Global clock. So monotonic clocks and now I just want to give you some hot outlook on what happens when you have something like periodic clocks are non monotonic clocks and was actually a lot of funny stuff happens. 346 00:52:16,050 --> 00:52:21,930 Philipp Hoehn: So this part is a bit less or more speculative than the rest that I've told you 347 00:52:23,130 --> 00:52:29,670 Philipp Hoehn: But there's already some interesting observations and here's the rough summary of that. So suppose you are given some 348 00:52:30,120 --> 00:52:42,090 Philipp Hoehn: Some system was periodic clocks and you want to describe in a relational pollution, with respect to that periodical just as an example I can think of the constraint given by free particle and some harmonic Austin later. And you might want to ask 349 00:52:43,890 --> 00:52:51,120 Philipp Hoehn: Every particle given a certain phase reading of that Harmonix also data, for instance, yes, in the cylinder on the right. 350 00:52:51,900 --> 00:52:58,380 Philipp Hoehn: And of course, in general, when you have periodic clocks, you will get a mouth evaluate this off the relations between evolving degrees of freedom. 351 00:52:58,800 --> 00:53:11,220 Philipp Hoehn: And the clock readings. So in this case, that say if you want to know what's the position of the particle when the clock face this reads five, then you will get an infinite tower of solutions for the answer. 352 00:53:12,540 --> 00:53:22,890 Philipp Hoehn: Now, classically, there's no problem and actually still be finding a global family of relational variables. In that case, what do you do well you just pick that phase observable. 353 00:53:23,700 --> 00:53:36,390 Philipp Hoehn: That is your time observable and you just use the classical notion of winding numbers that you can define and you use that in order to sort of unravel the clock. And so you get a new 354 00:53:37,260 --> 00:53:43,440 Philipp Hoehn: Clock function that goes from minus infinity plus infinity. And that really takes into account all the different cycles off the clock. 355 00:53:44,430 --> 00:53:53,700 Philipp Hoehn: And in this manner when can actually construct single valued relationships doubles and in the usual form and this tall here now runs over all of our 356 00:53:54,480 --> 00:54:00,360 Philipp Hoehn: And there's no problem. Classically, they weekly commute with the Hamiltonian constraints. So they are there are couples. 357 00:54:01,140 --> 00:54:10,530 Philipp Hoehn: But now the really funny part happens so you can contest these objects, but it turns out they are not directly job boards and the contents here. They don't really come up with a constraint and 358 00:54:12,210 --> 00:54:20,220 Philipp Hoehn: So now you might want to ask, Why the hell is that the case and well intuitive reasoning here is as follows. 359 00:54:21,360 --> 00:54:30,780 Philipp Hoehn: You have quantum spreads and for quantum theory. So suppose your, your physical state is one that is quite spread over classical orbits in such a way 360 00:54:31,230 --> 00:54:43,440 Philipp Hoehn: That different clock cycles may actually interfere. If that's the case, then you have absolutely no notion of whining numbers and the full quantum theory and he's whining, the numbers weren't necessary in order to define single value of related 361 00:54:44,580 --> 00:54:47,880 Philipp Hoehn: And so you cannot have such an emotion in the full quantum theory. 362 00:54:49,290 --> 00:54:57,330 Philipp Hoehn: However, of course, we have the classical relational dynamics and the classical relational direct observable bowls. And in some sense, 363 00:54:57,840 --> 00:55:04,410 Philipp Hoehn: There is no very non trivial interplay of the classical quantum relational dynamics. And so there's a striking 364 00:55:05,070 --> 00:55:12,480 Philipp Hoehn: qualitative difference. But clearly, there ought to be some semi classical regime in which one talks to the other. And somehow we have to read 365 00:55:13,350 --> 00:55:21,120 Philipp Hoehn: Recover these classical rock observer bolts from these quantum objects. And so this is that completely finished business yet. 366 00:55:21,420 --> 00:55:27,630 Philipp Hoehn: But in some sense these objects. Well, not for quantum direct observable. They have to be in some sense de de Pena directives are balls. 367 00:55:27,900 --> 00:55:41,010 Philipp Hoehn: That is in some semi classical regime, they have to become at least approximate your outcomes and goals. So that, for instance, you might end disaster. That's the expectation value in some semi classical State's office communicator, or to vanish at least at leading order. 368 00:55:43,020 --> 00:55:49,830 Philipp Hoehn: Okay, so that's quite interesting. But now this is actually very much 369 00:55:51,390 --> 00:55:58,140 Philipp Hoehn: Compatible with previous observations that we have made when dealing with quantum in classical relational dynamics. 370 00:55:59,340 --> 00:56:06,540 Philipp Hoehn: In situations when you don't have mobile clocks. And in fact, there's very non trivial features for 371 00:56:06,960 --> 00:56:11,880 Philipp Hoehn: For the semi classical regime and semi classical room does not even always exist, depending on how your contacts. 372 00:56:12,420 --> 00:56:23,280 Philipp Hoehn: So it's just a very rough summary of something that we did various years ago with Bianca Kozlowski and Mike Nelson was a student of mine. So there we considered some semi interoperable models. 373 00:56:24,390 --> 00:56:34,590 Philipp Hoehn: Were basically we're kind of compact to five dynamics on some tourists and in such a way that the momentum our international relations with one another. And that gives you 374 00:56:35,280 --> 00:56:42,270 Philipp Hoehn: Not only monetary value in this off relations between evolving degrees of freedom and whatever you choose either o'clock, so it actually gives you density many 375 00:56:43,680 --> 00:56:54,720 Philipp Hoehn: Places relations. And so in that case we showed that there does not exist any semi classical limit at all if you if you contrast that model using standard quantization techniques, but then 376 00:56:55,080 --> 00:57:06,660 Philipp Hoehn: Actually Bianca came around and said, Well, wait a minute. We actually conversation is really about finding the quantum representation of your observable. So what we should be doing is adapt a matter of quantization. 377 00:57:07,500 --> 00:57:14,490 Philipp Hoehn: To the relational variables that we might want to represent in the in the four columns here and classically at least implicitly these relational problems exist. 378 00:57:15,300 --> 00:57:23,130 Philipp Hoehn: And so then that led to modifying the topology underlying the conversation. And it was really part of my quantization that we are news. 379 00:57:23,580 --> 00:57:39,690 Philipp Hoehn: And as part of my quantization and save the winding numbers in the quantum theory and he might just asked whether polymer quantization might also resolve that issue that I have described on the previous transparency, so maybe Pokemon compositional come to the rescue here as well. Nevertheless, 380 00:57:40,740 --> 00:57:45,000 Philipp Hoehn: In general, even if you might be able to construct such relational observable. 381 00:57:46,980 --> 00:57:53,460 Philipp Hoehn: Even a parliament colonization, they might become horribly complicated objects and intractable to to deal with. 382 00:57:53,820 --> 00:58:02,010 Philipp Hoehn: And that alone. If you have something like not inevitable systems. Maybe they will become even really practically possible to work with. So the question is, what can we do in that case. 383 00:58:02,490 --> 00:58:15,750 Philipp Hoehn: What kind of interpretation of the dynamics, might we haven't in such a circumstance. And so here the best possible proposal that I could come up with. And that also sort of what we analyzed back then is 384 00:58:17,850 --> 00:58:25,590 Philipp Hoehn: We might just adopt something that we might want to call an S matrix interpretation of relational dynamics. So, just like in 385 00:58:26,190 --> 00:58:34,770 Philipp Hoehn: Why is the matrix interesting quantum field theory or we just have to deal with as I'm talking states and we don't have any mathematically tractable formulation of the interactions. 386 00:58:35,160 --> 00:58:39,240 Philipp Hoehn: That happen in the interaction region in terms of observer bolts. So here 387 00:58:40,020 --> 00:58:49,380 Philipp Hoehn: In some rough analogy. We don't have a mathematically tractable formulation in terms of observable or operates us that describe a relational dynamics. 388 00:58:49,950 --> 00:58:54,000 Philipp Hoehn: We could then take a step back and at least work with kinematics will 389 00:58:54,480 --> 00:59:05,100 Philipp Hoehn: States corresponding to certain kinematic observable is reading certain values and then just throw the physical projector on that sort of like the S matrix and then ask for the physical transition aptitudes 390 00:59:05,460 --> 00:59:16,980 Philipp Hoehn: Then say that's our most elementary way of interpreting the dynamics, given some initial clock reading and some observable at that time. What's the probability that we find a certain other 391 00:59:18,150 --> 00:59:21,720 Philipp Hoehn: Observable reading at some other o'clock time 392 00:59:22,800 --> 00:59:35,490 Philipp Hoehn: Okay, so that's just speculation at this point it's not completely clear that it can be done better. But maybe just what we have to deal with. And so, yeah. The question is whether maybe 393 00:59:36,840 --> 00:59:43,170 Philipp Hoehn: That if we want to get an ocean of dynamics from for quantum theory of gravity might have to resort to transition 394 00:59:44,400 --> 00:59:55,830 Philipp Hoehn: So if I speak to people working on spin for models and I might be preaching to the converted, but I still think it's, it's important to appreciate that also from a point of view of relational 395 00:59:58,140 --> 01:00:12,330 Philipp Hoehn: Okay, so that's really all I wanted to say. So I'm so as a conclusion that has by now some some updates on certain facets of the problem of time, some of which are resolved others of which 396 01:00:13,680 --> 01:00:19,050 Philipp Hoehn: Are resolved, but there's maybe some new insights we have gained that might help us. 397 01:00:20,820 --> 01:00:25,950 Philipp Hoehn: To further develop your understanding of dynamics in quantum gravity. Thank you. 398 01:00:39,060 --> 01:00:39,660 Jorge Pullin: Questions. 399 01:00:40,800 --> 01:00:45,240 Carlo Rovelli: I have them question in a comment, if I may. 400 01:00:49,950 --> 01:00:50,520 Carlo Rovelli: Just go ahead 401 01:00:55,740 --> 01:00:56,550 Abhay Ashtekar: Go ahead. God 402 01:00:57,030 --> 01:00:58,590 Philipp Hoehn: I don't know if there was a, um, 403 01:00:59,370 --> 01:01:08,730 Carlo Rovelli: Yeah, so it's a it's a general comment and then a specific question very much connected to your penultimate slide. So the general comment is that 404 01:01:10,020 --> 01:01:10,710 Carlo Rovelli: I think that 405 01:01:11,790 --> 01:01:26,610 Carlo Rovelli: You've done an excellent work, Philip here. I mean, this is a very remarkable because there's all this literature around this old literature, which is a was indeed very confusing and with some statements which were correct. And I think if cleaned up. 406 01:01:27,660 --> 01:01:28,620 Carlo Rovelli: All these values. 407 01:01:29,820 --> 01:01:41,490 Carlo Rovelli: Perspective, how they go together. And I would say I agree with everything you said. I mean, I think it's completely convincing, both in the technical part and in the in the general interpretation part 408 01:01:42,570 --> 01:01:50,250 Carlo Rovelli: Second, also very briefly, I want to mention something because we had a discussion at some point you you told me, but but but you dislike 409 01:01:50,910 --> 01:01:59,850 Carlo Rovelli: Page water you disagree with page water, I agree with everything you said about page water. I think it's a it's a it clarifies entirely the situation. 410 01:02:00,360 --> 01:02:18,480 Carlo Rovelli: When I disagree about is the fact that they in a paper present their solution us ether. The solution progress time requires quantum theory. So there's no time in classical GR and magically appear thanks to this mechanism that's, I think, is wrong. 411 01:02:19,500 --> 01:02:20,190 Carlo Rovelli: What is right is 412 01:02:21,120 --> 01:02:21,720 Philipp Hoehn: That's what 413 01:02:21,870 --> 01:02:32,250 Carlo Rovelli: I did, yeah. What you say is, right, is what you said exactly what you said, so they they have the quantum analog of the classical solution of the problem now that 414 01:02:33,630 --> 01:02:38,220 Philipp Hoehn: I actually have something more to say on exactly that point, I don't know if you have another question. 415 01:02:38,700 --> 01:02:50,460 Carlo Rovelli: Yeah, it's a third comment. And this is just a comment, but I'm interested to know what you think and last point and and this is more of a question is related to your penultimate slide. 416 01:02:52,770 --> 01:02:56,640 Carlo Rovelli: UP THE LIGHT OF EVERYTHING WE HAVE DONE. I think that 417 01:02:58,470 --> 01:03:03,660 Carlo Rovelli: In a sense, there's a lot of junk to throw away. I mean, we have an overall picture. 418 01:03:05,280 --> 01:03:18,720 Carlo Rovelli: And the idea of going to the hubris to kinematic or here with space to have observable Salvadoran observers and they can magically over space and then he has these operators project. There is not a projector, whatever you want to call it. 419 01:03:19,830 --> 01:03:20,850 Carlo Rovelli: That defines 420 01:03:22,290 --> 01:03:24,390 Carlo Rovelli: Position amplitude between those 421 01:03:26,310 --> 01:03:42,150 Carlo Rovelli: Seams. This is the way, by the way, my, my book is written the first one. Now, and the book of Francesca is also written and also this is a way that has been widely generalized and clarified by Urkel Robert lyrical, I don't know if you've looked at his 422 01:03:44,160 --> 01:03:48,360 Carlo Rovelli: Abstract it doesn't go at all in the details of what you do. 423 01:03:49,410 --> 01:04:01,950 Carlo Rovelli: It seems to me the right direction where to go, in spite of the fact that the details are not clear yet in a number of things. Because, and here I close 424 01:04:03,240 --> 01:04:08,340 Carlo Rovelli: It seems to me that a lot of the confusion come from mixing up different meanings of what we call time 425 01:04:08,940 --> 01:04:16,230 Carlo Rovelli: We have a psychological sense of time and entropic sense of time and microscopic notion of time which player or 426 01:04:16,920 --> 01:04:32,850 Carlo Rovelli: A summation in macroscopic physics in other contexts. And if we try to interpret fundamental physics in terms of those we get confused. So what fundamental physics gets you is this relational probabilities or less general and 427 01:04:33,990 --> 01:04:40,770 Carlo Rovelli: The values way as you have described the of computing them a clear ended a sufficient seems to me. 428 01:04:41,790 --> 01:04:43,110 Carlo Rovelli: That's it, yeah. 429 01:04:43,170 --> 01:04:44,130 Philipp Hoehn: So, um, 430 01:04:45,900 --> 01:04:46,710 Philipp Hoehn: So concerning 431 01:04:47,910 --> 01:04:57,630 Philipp Hoehn: Concerning your statement on the page. What does formulation and people, they're often what they actually cite the slogan time from entanglement. 432 01:04:58,140 --> 01:05:07,170 Philipp Hoehn: And that is actually misleading that statement. So I actually had a slide prepared for actually debunking that claim. I have thrown it out because I thought I would go over time. 433 01:05:07,620 --> 01:05:16,590 Philipp Hoehn: But now let me just summarize what my answer to that is so, indeed, if you say time from entanglement and you see that really in a lot of the literature and kind of foundations and 434 01:05:17,010 --> 01:05:31,680 Philipp Hoehn: Quantum Information on the problem of time even slogans like the problem of time really disappears. Once you look at it through the lens of of entanglement, which was total nonsense. So, so here 435 01:05:33,180 --> 01:05:38,340 Philipp Hoehn: One thing that one has to be very careful with and that's actually also here. So this is why I pulled up the slide here. 436 01:05:39,930 --> 01:05:58,290 Philipp Hoehn: So the notion of entanglement in the page. What is formalism. So, it is true that the physical state between clock and system is in some sense and entangled states between cocking system, but really only in terms of the kinematic attempts of factorization. So it is not in any way a physical 437 01:05:59,460 --> 01:06:08,490 Philipp Hoehn: Physical or engage in Barrett notion of entanglement and that is because that's kinematic attentive factorization is in fact not inherited by the physical Herbert space. 438 01:06:09,060 --> 01:06:14,640 Philipp Hoehn: So in the physical Hibbert space, you would want to have a notion of entanglement in terms of commuting 439 01:06:15,540 --> 01:06:24,810 Philipp Hoehn: Some algebra. Algebra of relation of drug observer goals which are independent, but you don't find anything like this in terms of 440 01:06:25,560 --> 01:06:36,120 Philipp Hoehn: Of sub algebra. Some of those associated with clock and the system that are invariance, so you don't get any so there's no way in which you could ever test this. 441 01:06:36,840 --> 01:06:49,260 Philipp Hoehn: This notion of entanglement that they talk about in terms of gauging Baron observable. Nevertheless, it is true that, of course, the kinematic level, you could think of it in some sense as a kind of magical entanglement that another 442 01:06:50,610 --> 01:06:59,370 Philipp Hoehn: Point that I wanted to make us. And this is also I call that operation to disentangle I put it in quotation marks, because it is, it isn't angler at the kinematic lever level. 443 01:06:59,580 --> 01:07:04,110 Philipp Hoehn: So with respect to the kinematic attempts and factorization. So what you see here what it really does is 444 01:07:04,590 --> 01:07:19,170 Philipp Hoehn: It does untangles quotation marks the gate pure gauge degrees of freedom from your observer bowls, it puts pure gauge into one terms of factor one canonical attempts to factor the pure gauge in various parts into the into the other types of factor. 445 01:07:20,190 --> 01:07:26,520 Philipp Hoehn: And so, but what you see as the observer boats are then pure product observer bowls and in fact what you also see us these 446 01:07:26,880 --> 01:07:41,430 Philipp Hoehn: disentangled states doesn't take a physical states they contain the same information as the physical states. There was also actually disentangled so there's some over degeneracy sectors, but that's actually super selection. So they are like, like, in fact, 447 01:07:42,660 --> 01:07:48,360 Philipp Hoehn: Equivalent to mix states over the, over the degenerate over the degeneracy sentence. 448 01:07:48,810 --> 01:08:00,150 Philipp Hoehn: But in any case, um, what you can see from this construction and that's actually also explained in our paper, you can get the exact the same relational quantum dynamics, but by starting out from 449 01:08:00,600 --> 01:08:09,030 Philipp Hoehn: Actually quantization a different the same classical system that with respect to a different set of degrees of freedom. And so there you get 450 01:08:09,330 --> 01:08:18,960 Philipp Hoehn: Exact same quantum dynamics without any magical entanglements. And so in that sense, one has to be really careful with the notion of entanglement and that resolution. 451 01:08:20,070 --> 01:08:28,170 Philipp Hoehn: So overall, when has to take it with a grain of salt. And I would say overall it's really fascinating statement now coming to your last comment. 452 01:08:28,860 --> 01:08:44,610 Philipp Hoehn: About these transition aptitudes it's actually true. I should have sides. It's all about a year if all but if you're here, I sincerely apologize. I was in a bit of a rush to finish the slides, but it's obviously true that robot has really developed a whole 453 01:08:45,780 --> 01:08:52,230 Philipp Hoehn: Mathematically extremely well developed framework for talking about a transition amplitude in a very general way so 454 01:08:53,310 --> 01:08:59,340 Philipp Hoehn: That I think is a very, very, very useful framework. So I forgot your other comments in that regards 455 01:09:00,270 --> 01:09:05,820 Carlo Rovelli: So I don't know if there was any girl know all praises praises not not had a comment. So thank you. 456 01:09:07,920 --> 01:09:23,610 Abhay Ashtekar: So I also wanted to say that these are by I also understand that. Yeah. Did this clarity in the whole picture is really very nice and, in particular, I very much have had the same view that, in fact, the the 457 01:09:25,410 --> 01:09:38,010 Abhay Ashtekar: The framework that we have with just our constraints on them. That is not so much timeless framework, but it's really time neutral block neutral or perspective neutral framework. So it's really completely agrees with what but 458 01:09:39,180 --> 01:09:44,730 Abhay Ashtekar: How I think about it, but I still am confused about this issue about the key hack and not being commuting 459 01:09:45,240 --> 01:09:55,020 Abhay Ashtekar: And how much it does not trickle or does not trickle in particular when you had two different clocks and you are you are comparing them and you are lifting 460 01:09:55,680 --> 01:10:04,110 Abhay Ashtekar: The in order compared the description, you're lifting. So there's a questions from one clock frame to the drop neutral frame and then descending again. 461 01:10:04,740 --> 01:10:05,700 Abhay Ashtekar: In that case, 462 01:10:05,790 --> 01:10:11,190 Abhay Ashtekar: I'm confused about things not being self and john not affecting your detailed description. 463 01:10:12,420 --> 01:10:16,110 Abhay Ashtekar: And I can see why I'm asking that question later if you if you want 464 01:10:16,740 --> 01:10:20,670 Philipp Hoehn: Yeah, so I'm sorry you're asking about non commuting 465 01:10:21,690 --> 01:10:26,700 Philipp Hoehn: Copy of the sunset. So it like two different clock PM set on computers that what you're asking for. 466 01:10:27,090 --> 01:10:27,750 Abhay Ashtekar: So the fact that 467 01:10:28,770 --> 01:10:34,080 Abhay Ashtekar: Slide. I think 2526 or something like that us off with nicely pointed out that the way 468 01:10:35,340 --> 01:10:37,980 Philipp Hoehn: I don't know which slides. Those are because there are a number for me. 469 01:10:38,820 --> 01:10:51,660 Abhay Ashtekar: Number for you. Okay, so anyway, when you're talking on this operative and positive a positive attitude measures, you said that, well, but there's a price to pay. Everything seems nice. But there's a price to pay the price to pay, was about was precisely that. 470 01:10:54,540 --> 01:11:12,300 Abhay Ashtekar: That this this this t hat and operators. Yeah, exactly. And that not self a joint and he has not fallen let cetera and I don't know how much of this then affects what you said. Later on, or whether you sort of glossed over this fact and just treat them as if they were Sanford joined 471 01:11:12,570 --> 01:11:15,150 Abhay Ashtekar: In particular, that you're comparing two different clocks. 472 01:11:16,230 --> 01:11:18,600 Philipp Hoehn: Yeah, so I mean that is very good question. So 473 01:11:20,280 --> 01:11:29,550 Philipp Hoehn: So let me come to the so I guess you're asking what's the consequence. I think that was the question you also raised during the talk. So basically what's the consequence for these relational deliverables here, right, or the 474 01:11:30,030 --> 01:11:30,840 Abhay Ashtekar: question I was asking. 475 01:11:31,710 --> 01:11:39,600 Philipp Hoehn: Yeah, sorry. Yeah, sorry, I forgot to answer that. So, um, yeah. So it's a very good question. It's actually one that I tried to prove 476 01:11:41,220 --> 01:11:50,130 Philipp Hoehn: purely physical hybrid space level that these objects at the very least symmetric. Then I was not able to fully do that there's some subtleties that may arise. 477 01:11:50,640 --> 01:12:07,530 Philipp Hoehn: However, there is now something I'm sort of course you know when you have these these these equivalence maps between the physical space and the producers space. They are, of course, at this stage, somewhat formal here. I mean, 478 01:12:08,670 --> 01:12:16,440 Philipp Hoehn: I mean, we made it for for some fairly why class of systems. But in principle, the thing is, since one has 479 01:12:17,610 --> 01:12:18,720 Philipp Hoehn: Since one has these 480 01:12:20,190 --> 01:12:31,080 Philipp Hoehn: These equivalencies. Am I can at least at a formal level say that if these reduced observable actually Salford joint with respect to the reduced in our product. 481 01:12:31,560 --> 01:12:43,290 Philipp Hoehn: That's why the the relational observable should somehow also be south of China near symmetric with respect to the physical product but I agree that at this stage, it's a, you know, 482 01:12:44,400 --> 01:12:58,710 Abhay Ashtekar: To me, that has been a stumbling block and, in particular, this becomes to forefront. When you consider two different clocks and try to prove his equivalence or covariance of the relations. I had exactly the same picture that you had 483 01:12:59,100 --> 01:13:00,180 Abhay Ashtekar: I was thinking in terms of 484 01:13:00,420 --> 01:13:08,010 Abhay Ashtekar: Energy momentum in space it on TV it becoming energy and momentum, you know, in one frame and mixing in the other frame and so on so forth. 485 01:13:09,030 --> 01:13:14,850 Philipp Hoehn: So just come out. Yeah. So I mean, I agree. So, I mean, I agree that what I'm saying here is a bit formal but 486 01:13:15,150 --> 01:13:18,990 Philipp Hoehn: Somehow they should be equivalent. But one other thing I wanted to say about this is 487 01:13:19,530 --> 01:13:27,210 Philipp Hoehn: That, as I mentioned already, before you know the statement that we don't necessarily need to think of observable and Salford drone operators. 488 01:13:28,470 --> 01:13:43,860 Philipp Hoehn: I would argue that in principle or also be fine if we can at least have some interpretation of the relational direct observable, maybe not as alpha john operators, but themselves as being expressed in terms of some notion of pure VM for me, that would still be a 489 01:13:47,370 --> 01:13:57,240 Abhay Ashtekar: Much more foundational quantum mechanics. If you can do that, yes, I agree that that is really what a change in quantum mechanics itself in which one is replacing Selfridge operators, but a 490 01:13:57,270 --> 01:13:57,780 Abhay Ashtekar: Lot of 491 01:13:57,840 --> 01:13:59,370 Abhay Ashtekar: Positive revalued so 492 01:13:59,970 --> 01:14:00,900 Every morning 493 01:14:03,120 --> 01:14:16,320 Philipp Hoehn: I mean this is quite standard in quantum metrology and quantum information so they would not not be at all worried about the fact that you have an observable that's defined in terms of appeal VM, but it's not sell for joining. So it's just a 494 01:14:16,950 --> 01:14:18,660 Abhay Ashtekar: Symmetric right necessarily so. 495 01:14:19,170 --> 01:14:23,310 Philipp Hoehn: And while these pure VM is here and they actually symmetric, these, these 496 01:14:24,720 --> 01:14:30,300 Philipp Hoehn: Weights. So these T operators here. These objects are actually symmetric, but they're not necessarily yourself. 497 01:14:31,500 --> 01:14:36,780 Philipp Hoehn: Okay, so, um, but now coming. I don't know if you had another question on blockchain. I 498 01:14:36,780 --> 01:14:40,680 Abhay Ashtekar: Just wanted to say that in the case of this comparison to clocks, a long time ago does 499 01:14:41,940 --> 01:14:45,480 Abhay Ashtekar: Date and we looked at one specific case. 500 01:14:45,720 --> 01:14:58,080 Abhay Ashtekar: Yeah, we could do one one little calculation, which is exactly the same. And we could not do it for others, precisely because of the season that we could not an ambiguous, the lift observable from one clock to though. 501 01:14:58,920 --> 01:15:05,010 Philipp Hoehn: Yeah, so, so, I mean, actually. Yeah, you pointed out that paper to me in Valencia. Last year I had a look at it. 502 01:15:05,880 --> 01:15:15,300 Philipp Hoehn: I would still think that one could actually embed it here in this framework that we have. So the thing is that so what they're what you did is you basically on the 503 01:15:15,840 --> 01:15:24,240 Philipp Hoehn: Clock Hubert space, you use the different partitioning for the different choices of cotton. That's why they didn't come up with. So here in the construction that we have us. We have of course used 504 01:15:25,080 --> 01:15:38,070 Philipp Hoehn: Clock of the two different choices which commute on the magical hybrid space. So that's a different situation and you consider it back then, but I would still think that priority. I don't see a reason why you wouldn't be able to just embed 505 01:15:39,090 --> 01:15:45,270 Philipp Hoehn: This this construction that you made with class and and agitates also in this language. 506 01:15:46,080 --> 01:15:46,620 Abhay Ashtekar: Okay, thank you. 507 01:15:48,210 --> 01:15:51,150 Philipp Hoehn: Okay, can I ask a question for the short term here. 508 01:15:51,600 --> 01:15:58,440 psingh: So, so your whole talk. First of all, it's a very beautiful somebody like but the whole talk is Zoom's essentially that the 509 01:15:59,190 --> 01:16:13,440 psingh: Block and the system degrees of freedom are not interacting. So, do you have some thoughts on this trinity equivalence. When this is not true when the clock and the system are interacting. For example, if you have a massive scale or field you assume the masters one 510 01:16:14,760 --> 01:16:31,380 Philipp Hoehn: So yeah, so that's indeed. I mean, so actually in this. I mean, I mentioned this sort of in passing that problem, the very beginning, but I but indeed you're putting your finger into the ones. So why it's so here 511 01:16:32,490 --> 01:16:41,520 Philipp Hoehn: Yeah, I'm a slide of the global problem of time. So here, this is exactly the case you're referring to. So there's a model. So the clothes clean my universe with a massive scanner theaters model that we had 512 01:16:42,240 --> 01:16:53,880 Philipp Hoehn: Studied with makeup lover and elton john many years ago. And obviously, there's an interaction. And in fact, it's even worse, it's a non editable model against chaos there and so 513 01:16:54,630 --> 01:17:13,290 Philipp Hoehn: Yeah, so here the Trinity, I would have no idea of how to extend it to that. In fact, I would probably argue using standard quantization. There's no way of doing it. Not even principle. And that goes back to, and now should really run back to the other end of the talk to the penultimate slide. 514 01:17:14,760 --> 01:17:15,720 Philipp Hoehn: Sorry about that. 515 01:17:19,590 --> 01:17:20,010 Your 516 01:17:21,450 --> 01:17:32,880 Philipp Hoehn: Slides. So here you have referring to that same paper. So we showed back then. And that's cosmological models we use an effective framework to describe effective relationships eyeballs. 517 01:17:33,510 --> 01:17:37,200 Philipp Hoehn: And so there. And then we also develop the notion of clock changes. 518 01:17:37,770 --> 01:17:49,980 Philipp Hoehn: And what we found there is you can actually only do these changes and sufficiently Pete semi classical states, but really only away from the classical turning region off the off the scale factor. 519 01:17:50,430 --> 01:17:58,740 Philipp Hoehn: So it turns out that the that the turning region off the scale factor or the region of maximum expansion is actually a region with a chaotic scattering 520 01:17:59,370 --> 01:18:09,000 Philipp Hoehn: And so in that region generic classical solutions will have a turning points, both in the scanner field and the scale factor on all scales of the face face. 521 01:18:09,420 --> 01:18:16,470 Philipp Hoehn: And if you then use it just a standard or sort of reduce the width type quantization. There's absolutely no way that you can 522 01:18:17,070 --> 01:18:19,860 Philipp Hoehn: encode these different turning point, all these different 523 01:18:20,820 --> 01:18:30,180 Philipp Hoehn: scales on the face space in your quantum Syria just will be oblivious to it. And I think that's also the reason why there has been no full quantization of that model in terms of the 524 01:18:30,960 --> 01:18:38,880 Philipp Hoehn: Of the related with methods. However, no one could ask, well, what if we do polymer quantization of that model because 525 01:18:39,210 --> 01:18:49,770 Philipp Hoehn: Using a much simpler case, namely the semi interoperable model that I was referring to you in the work was back I did fish Mike Nelson and Tim kozlovsky so there we had something similar. 526 01:18:51,060 --> 01:18:55,740 Philipp Hoehn: Of course, in a much more benign context but there we could sort of rescue the dynamics. 527 01:18:56,760 --> 01:18:57,150 Philipp Hoehn: In 528 01:18:58,230 --> 01:19:00,450 Philipp Hoehn: In terms of polymer quantization. 529 01:19:01,830 --> 01:19:03,570 Philipp Hoehn: Because the polymer colonization, of course. 530 01:19:04,680 --> 01:19:09,480 Philipp Hoehn: It has a much much finer scale. So basically any configuration space point is 531 01:19:10,500 --> 01:19:19,410 Philipp Hoehn: Like an open set. And so that might give you a chance to in the quantum theory. Then also disentangle this this this chaotic scattering that gets in the 532 01:19:19,890 --> 01:19:25,380 Philipp Hoehn: In the, in the, in the call, sweet my universe with a massive scale or field. 533 01:19:25,770 --> 01:19:34,020 Philipp Hoehn: It will, of course, probably horribly complicated and I guess you guys will know much better than email to do that. And now to see, but maybe there is some chance of dealing with that. 534 01:19:34,620 --> 01:19:41,970 Philipp Hoehn: And. However, in practice, I think these observers and that model will probably still be intractable, even if you could write them down maybe implicitly or something like this. 535 01:19:42,510 --> 01:19:51,030 Philipp Hoehn: And that's also especially that model is actually for me. Also, one of the reasons why I'm thinking now in terms of relational dynamics. 536 01:19:51,600 --> 01:19:59,820 Philipp Hoehn: In in situations where you have a very complex dynamics, maybe more in terms of these transition attitudes and this is matrix interpretation. 537 01:20:00,450 --> 01:20:07,710 Philipp Hoehn: But of course, this would be, you know, something that departs from that Trinity picture that we have in this Trinity picture. 538 01:20:08,100 --> 01:20:16,410 Philipp Hoehn: You know this works very nicely. In that case, when the, when you when you have these globally monotonic clocks and maybe it works sort of locally when you 539 01:20:16,740 --> 01:20:28,680 Philipp Hoehn: When you have non global clocks, but they are not too badly behaved. But I think when they're too complex than something like the Trinity may at best work semi classic view and chaotic dynamics, maybe not at all. 540 01:20:28,740 --> 01:20:35,400 Abhay Ashtekar: But but but Philip I mean this paper that is an adage that you are done right in between two turning points. 541 01:20:35,730 --> 01:20:36,570 Abhay Ashtekar: One is the 542 01:20:36,780 --> 01:20:39,330 Abhay Ashtekar: Clock and one could do everything that 543 01:20:39,450 --> 01:20:41,100 Abhay Ashtekar: Memory of your paper. Is that correct, I 544 01:20:41,100 --> 01:20:41,670 psingh: Think in some 545 01:20:41,700 --> 01:20:47,190 psingh: Insight in some projects you're right away, like, one can do but but Philip I had my 546 01:20:47,250 --> 01:20:50,760 Abhay Ashtekar: related question is what what our ships on analysis. I mean, I did not. 547 01:20:51,720 --> 01:20:55,200 Philipp Hoehn: Know, so in that no, sorry, are you referring to the paper with Monica and 548 01:20:56,250 --> 01:20:57,120 Abhay Ashtekar: Without it, right. 549 01:20:57,390 --> 01:21:07,800 Philipp Hoehn: Ya know, so I mean what we showed there is that in some, you know, when the state is nicely peaks in that region. You can do it. But what we also showed us that what much more generic situations. 550 01:21:08,880 --> 01:21:14,670 Philipp Hoehn: Even if the state is initially semi classical it starts spreading out too quickly apart. 551 01:21:15,180 --> 01:21:22,740 Philipp Hoehn: For this change matter to even be pack practically applicable in between various different turning points, of course, the general idea was 552 01:21:23,310 --> 01:21:36,570 Philipp Hoehn: That we try to resolve the global problem of time by just, you know, evolved relative to one clock and just before it starts turning badly switch to another clock and for sort of relatively benign cases of the global time problem. It works. Yeah. 553 01:21:38,070 --> 01:21:38,820 Abhay Ashtekar: But yeah 554 01:21:39,060 --> 01:21:52,110 Philipp Hoehn: But, but in the butt in these really complex dynamics when you have this chaotic scattering in a standard related with quantization. And what we use back then was an effective related conversation then it becomes practically and tractable. 555 01:21:53,220 --> 01:21:54,360 Abhay Ashtekar: So, but, um, you're saying something. 556 01:21:54,810 --> 01:22:05,670 psingh: Yeah but Philip like am I related point was that wasn't there a paper I think recently by am a day in which he showed that if you have, I think he considered probably couple of examples of this. 557 01:22:06,510 --> 01:22:13,680 psingh: Interacting picture and he showed that in fact, you get a very time non local modify shortening that equation and 558 01:22:13,740 --> 01:22:19,080 psingh: Then I'm just for it. What will happen to your s metrics description and transition amplitude picture. Yeah. 559 01:22:19,110 --> 01:22:33,510 Philipp Hoehn: So actually, there was another yeah that's a good point. So it was done was a paper by Alex Smith and media Hammadi so collaborators of mine, indeed. So what they have shown us that if you include interactions in the page. What's ours on 560 01:22:34,710 --> 01:22:48,240 Philipp Hoehn: formula. The formula isn't done that, you get a modified shorting dynamics and it was a non local colonel. That's true. So the question is, however, in that case, um, how would you actually interpret that in terms of the relational dynamics. 561 01:22:48,660 --> 01:22:53,640 Philipp Hoehn: Right. So in that case, I think it is something that works. Formally, and it's something 562 01:22:54,150 --> 01:23:02,550 Philipp Hoehn: You can also. And this is actually part of this project that we're currently doing also on periodic clocks. For instance, you can do page with a square periodic clocks and you can condition. 563 01:23:02,880 --> 01:23:16,170 Philipp Hoehn: Just on some clock reading. But then the question is, how do you define how do you interpret that dynamics and the full quantum theory, it's really a prayer not clear at all because when you when you condition on a on a clock reading some, you know, 564 01:23:16,830 --> 01:23:23,730 Philipp Hoehn: Some angle so that the face variable read some angle and, you know, in the case of the of the 565 01:23:24,060 --> 01:23:32,580 Philipp Hoehn: free particle and the the harmonic oscillator, you would get a horrible a multi valued in this of the of the relation between the system and the clock. 566 01:23:32,910 --> 01:23:40,230 Philipp Hoehn: And so this is something that will formally, you can do that conditioning interpretation of that relational dynamics is actually far from clear and I think 567 01:23:40,650 --> 01:23:55,020 Philipp Hoehn: In this case of the interaction. It's true. You get some some modify trigger dynamics, but to me the interpretation of that in terms of some sort of single value. It's relational dynamics is not clear to me at all. 568 01:23:57,030 --> 01:23:57,900 psingh: Okay, thank you. Phillip 569 01:24:01,350 --> 01:24:07,230 Ivan Agullo: I think the Jorge had to leave and I am the new boss. So is there any, any other question. 570 01:24:13,890 --> 01:24:16,980 Ivan Agullo: If not, let's thank fairly big game for these wonderful docs. 571 01:24:25,650 --> 01:24:25,920 Ivan Agullo: Thank you. 572 01:24:27,360 --> 01:24:28,050 Philipp Hoehn: Thank you.