Physics and Gravity

Electronic preprint archives:, hep-th new, index, gr-qc new, index, astro-ph new, index, CERN, SPIRES. WebofScience,
Electronic preprint archives, form interfaces: LANL physics, SLAC.
Astrophysics data service NASA/CFA.
PSU library
Physics Web Calender
General Relativity online tutorial! By John Baez.
List of publications on new variables .
What are these new variables, anyway? Postscript.
Quantum mechanics of Riemannian geometry, a popular article by Abhay Ashtekar (pdf).
Pullin's Pirenopolis lectures
Loops, Knots, Gauge Theories and Quantum Gravity, a book by Rodolfo Gambini and Jorge Pullin.


Mac Callums list of addresses et al

Journals online

Matters of Gravity
Classical and quantum gravity,
Physical Review, Manuscript status
General Relativity and Gravitation.
Living Reviews in Relativity.

Other home pages

The National Science Foundation
Albert Einstein Institute
Internatioanl Relativity Group
Pittsburgh Relativity Group
Texas Center for Relativity
UBC Relativity Group
Syracuse Relativity Group, including their cool Java gravity animation.
NCSU Relativity Group
Relativity Group Famaf, Cordoba, Argentina
Instituto de Fisica, Montevideo, Uruguay
Relativity and cosmology group, University of Buenos Aires
John Baez


Emacs quick reference
Emacs (Windows) frequently asked questions
Xmgr/Xvgr manual
Tex frequently asked questions
How to add figures in LaTeX
Unix frequently asked questions
X windows frequently asked questions


EDGE:, a chat room frequented by Kauffman, Gell-Mann and Smolin, among others.
How to be a good grad student (advisor)?
Geroch's suggestions on giving talks .
AIP's Physics News Update
APS-Bob Park's What's new
Dictionaries: Webster dictionary , Devil's, IDP.
The Association of Foreign Scholars (NAFSA)
Stuck in between, a song about time travel by Jerry Chiappetta Jr.
The White House, FBI, CIA, and DOE.