This new interpretation of quantum mechanics solves the problems of the
use of environmental decoherence as a solution to the problem of measurement in quantum mechanics. It does so invoking fundamental limitations in the process of measurement in quantum mechanics including those due to gravity. These limitations are very natural in the context of generally covariant theories as quantum gravity.
New! An up to date brief review of the Montevideo Interpretation.
The papers:
A single-world consistent interpretation of quantum mechanics from fundamental time and length uncertainties The Montevideo interpretation naturally bypasses the objection to single world quantum mechanics of Frauchiger and Renner.
The Montevideo Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics: a short review The most up to date overview of the interpretation.
An axiomatic formulation of the Montevideo interpretation of quantum mechanics, R. Gambini, L. P. Garcia-Pintos, J. Pullin. Studies in the History and Philosophy of Modern Physics, 42, 256-263 (2011)
The Montevideo interpretation of quantum mechanics: frequently asked questions, R. Gambini, J. Pullin
More detail on how we solve the "problem of outcomes" (which Bell called the "and-or" problem) of when an event takes place in quantum mechanics is discussed in:
Undecidability and the problem of outcomes in quantum measurements, R. Gambini, L. P. Garcia-Pintos, J. Pullin
Why the definition of event we consider is not "for all practical purposes" (FAPP) is discussed at:
Undecidability as solution to the problem of measurement: fundamental criterion for the production of eventsR. Gambini, L. P. Garcia-Pintos, J. Pullin
The Montevideo interpretation's use of real clocks meshes very naturally with the solution of the "problem of time" that arises in background-independent theories like general relatiivity. The solution of that problem is discussed in:
Conditional probabilities with Dirac observables and the problem of time in quantum gravity R. Gambini, R. Porto, J. Pullin, S. Torterolo.
If you found the previous paper too technical, here is a pedagogical version:
Fundamental decoherence from quantum gravity: A Pedagogical review
R. Gambini, R. Porto, J. Pullin.
In many presentations we focus on the role of real clocks in the interpretation and the fact that things can be formulated covariantly is not emphasized.
Fundamental decoherence from relational time in discrete quantum gravity: Galilean covariance R. Gambini, R. Porto, J. Pullin
One has similar effects stemming from the use of real rod to measure spatial distances:
Loss of entanglement in quantum mechanics due to the use of realistic measuring rods R. Gambini, R. Porto, J. Pullin
The loss of coherence that is central to the Montevideo interpretation interestingly provides a fundamental limitation to the speed of quantum computers:
Fundamental gravitational limitations to quantum computingR. Gambini, R. Porto, J. Pullin.
and also may provide a solution to the black hole information paradox:
Realistic clocks, universal decoherence and the black hole information paradox, R. Gambini, R. Porto, J. Pullin.
The new interpretation may open new vistas in philosophical problems, for instance the issue of emergence:
Quantum mechanics, strong emergence and ontological non-reducibility R. Gambini, L. Lewowicz, J. Pullin
A quantum ontology based on events:
Event ontology in quantum mechanics and downward causation R. Gambini, J. Pullin.
Maintained by Jorge Pullin
Supported by the National Science Foundation

and the John Templeton Foundation