
This parameter indicates whether a local grid boundary is an interprocessor boundary or a physical boundary. It is set by the driver (AMR):
     bbox1: min-x direction;
     bbox2: max-x direction;
     bbox3: min-y direction;
     bbox4: max-y direction;
     bbox5: min-z direction;
     bbox6: max-z direction;
If the parameter is 1, the boundary is physical. If the parameter is 0, the boundary is an interprocessor boundary.


See Also

boundary_conditions, bound_width

Index of all manual pages


Here is a snippet of fortran code, with integers IBBOX1 thru IBBOX6:
IBBOX1 = nint(par(P_BBOX1))
IBBOX2 = nint(par(P_BBOX2))
IBBOX3 = nint(par(P_BBOX3))
IBBOX4 = nint(par(P_BBOX4))
IBBOX5 = nint(par(P_BBOX5))
IBBOX6 = nint(par(P_BBOX6))
Parameters are accessed by placing a "P_" in front of the parameter name when using fortran. If
IBBOX1 = 1
IBBOX2 = 0
IBBOX3 = 0
IBBOX4 = 0
IBBOX5 = 0
IBBOX6 = 1
then only physical boundaries of the local grid in this example are the min-x side and max-z side of the cube. All others are interprocessor boundaries whose values are supplied by MPI communication.